Thanks for the shoutout
@Jaysen! It's really helpful to know that I am moving in the right direction. These updates are definitely helping me progress to where I want to be,
Commercial Awareness Article
This week I decided to write an article detailing the impacts of consumer habits and the current economic environment on tech companies as I have seen a slew of articles talking about specific tech companies that are struggling at the moment. It's a bit more of a broad topic than I have written about before, but I think it is a really important market trend that law firms need to be aware of.
I also thought I'd follow up on previous articles:
- Kanye West: This article largely highlighted the importance of ESG issues for law firms. Yesterday (8th November 2022), Gavin Williamson, former Defence Secretary, resigned from the UK government following a large number of bullying allegations and several formal investigations into his behaviour. Whilst his resignation is appropriate given the Ministerial Code, this non-binding set of rules of conduct has had a recent history of being ignored. Williamson's resignation comes after uproars from the Labour as well as his own party concerning his behaviour. This further demonstrates the importance of ESG issues, and the fact that issues such as bullying are less likely to be overlooked or ignored in modern workplaces.
- Bitcoin Volatility: This article suggested that the recent stability of Bitcoin could lead to it being used like a fiat currency in the near future. Since then, FTX (one of the major crypto exchanges) has collapsed and been bought by rival exchange Binance, in a major shock to the industry. This had a knock-on effect on Bitcoin which dropped to its lowest levels in two years. This suggests that the use of cryptocurrencies as fiat currencies is potentially a long way off, certainly further off than my original article suggested. The cyrpto industry is just too volatile at the moment.
Aspiring Solicitors Commercial Awareness Competition
Back in September, I was rejected from a law firm after a vacation scheme. One of the key points I was given to work on was my commercial awareness. It was simply not strong enough. Since then, I have really committed to improving my commercial awareness. I think the articles I am writing, my glossary, and the TCLA courses I am undertaking are all testament to that. This week I received the biggest confirmation that this is all making a difference: I was invited to the semi-finals of the Aspiring Solicitors Commercial Awareness Competition!!!!
I am really proud of myself for this achievement as I am one of only 125 people to make it this far into the competiton. It's abour to get a lot harder, but I can safely say that my efforts not been misplaced. I am going to the semi-final at
Skadden on Friday, so
I am brushing up on my M&A knowledge and what they look for in trainees. From this stage onwards, graduate recruitment will be looking to see if they want to directly offer any candidates a vacation scheme. I really want to impress them, so I am pouring over all my notes made on the TCLA courses I have already done. I am really excited about this!
TCLA Courses
I have now started the Private Equity course. It is absolutely amazing and Arun is incredible at succinctly explaining quite a complicated topic. It is amazing that someone who is not yet a qualified lawyer, and who has not yet worked extensively in this area, has such impressive knowledge of this area. He has a level of understanding about his passions that I aspire to have. Therefore,
I am going to start recording myself explaining commercial topics. If I can get to a stage where I feel that comfortable talking about these topics, I know I will be in a really good position, not only as a training contract candidate, but also as a lawyer in the future. I also enjoyed contrasting the Private Equity courrse explained from a trainee point of view with the Partner-led Training explanation of Private Equity. It is really helping me to see all angles of Private Equity.
A summary of courses I have undertaken:
- Develop Your Commercial Awareness: Understand the City, the Financial Markets & More (Completed - really useful)
- Mergers and Acquisitions for Commercial Law (Completed - really useful)
- Guide to Law Firm Practice Areas (9% complete - really clearing up my understanding of some of the practice areas I didn't previously understand)
- FREE COURSE: Securing a Training Contract (Completed - not as useful as the others, but still good to hear the perspectives of future trainees)
- Beating the Watson Glaser Test (78% complete - considering my success with Watson Glasers since doing this course, it must be fantastic!)
- Law Firms as a Business (85% complete - amazing course, really makes you think about firms in a different way)
- How to Prepare for a Law Firm Assessment Centre (7% complete - LOVE the interview bank)
- Develop Your Commercial Awareness: How to think commercially (Completed - so helpful in understanding how to get better at commercial awareness)
- Practise Technical Law Firm Case Studies (Completed - I love the way Mahesh explains how to go about these, it makes it seem so much easier)
- Private Equity for Commercial Law (31% complete - taking my time with this one, but absolutely brilliant)
- Partner-led Training (Completed - shame there is only one lecture, but I loved hearing things from the partner perspective.)
Targeted Applications
I was going to start research on a firm I like the look of this weekend, but I then got the email that I had made it to the semi-finals of the AS Commercial Awareness Competition. The day I could do the semi-final was restricted and I ended up choosing the semi-final that is being held at
Skadden. Whilst this firm doesn't really fulfil all my criteria, I thought it would be prudent to switch my research to
Skadden to ensure I do as well as possible at the semi-final. To make up for lost time,
I will research and write my application to the firm I was originally researching this weekend.
Thanks for following my journey!