Think it is ok at the moment, ask me again after the exam lol 😂How are you finding Barbri's course?
Think it is ok at the moment, ask me again after the exam lol 😂How are you finding Barbri's course?
hi can we get in touch could use some advice*Edit --> Sorry guys I changed the name of the thread. Spoiler alert I never managed to apply for Clifford Chance but I couldn't pass up the pun. Apologies to those who have been misled.*
Hello, I'm Lilly. I joined the TCLA at the start of this round of applications and in my head, I was going to have a TC before the cycle was over. I realise now that I was a little bit delusional but I'm a law student, so it comes with the territory.
I realise that it is rather late in the day to be posting this, but idk I didn't feel like I had anything to post about until now and have decided to share my story in case people ever feel like they aren't going to get anything either. Also, I am slacking on my applications at the moment and need something to get me back on track. I do not think for a moment I'm going to be the next legal influencer of the decade but here's to hoping.
Plans for the thread.
- I think I also want to use this thread to share some of the tricks I have learnt. I know my strengths and my weaknesses.
- All the feedback I have ever gotten has said that I interview well, I think it is often why after the app stage I can make it to the final rounds when I fall at the written tasks.
- I have developed a few hacks throughout my time for this which I thought I would share.
- Throughout this journey, I know that I need to develop my written skills. My downfall has always been the written tests. I'm a slow writer and I like to redraft things or else they are riddled with errors. My feedback confirms it.
- So I hope to share any tips I learn along the way as well.
A bit about me (sans some pesky details).
Applications: (UP TO DATE)
- I am a master's student at an RG uni. I studied law for my undergrad and got ok grades. It's nothing special but what can you do about it?
- I wanted to go to The Bar up until the end of my third year when I failed to get any mini-pupillages.
- I made two applications at the end of my third year for training contracts. Got offered one and made it to the AC stage for another.
- I ultimately couldn't accept the TC offer. I know this sounds awful but it didn't have a department in the area I was interested in, it was a small firm which would have required me to self-fund the SQE which I couldn't afford. It also wouldn't let me defer a year. I have wrestled with this decision over the last few months, thinking about whether this was the right one. I think it was, especially after the mess that happened with the SQE 1 this year but at the same time I really want a job.
- This year I have fully committed to the solicitor route and have picked out a few firms I like the look of.
- I try and only apply to firms where I know they have done at least one famous case in the area of law I am interested in.
I have so far made 10? applications
A mix of TC and Vac Scheme. It appears that once I get past the written application I make it to the end and I have more success on the direct TC route where the firm does not have a VS.
I have decided that some of these firms are very niche and it would be very easy to discover who I am from them. So I have assigned them aliases from Suits and The Goodwife in italics.
- Russel Cooke Direct TC - PFO
- Wakefield Cady TC - PFO post-final stage.
- Boodle Hatfield VS and TC - PFO
- Bratten Gould TC - PFO post-final interview.
- Farrer and Co VS - PFO
- Mills and Reeve VS - PFO
Irwin Mitchell - VS - OFFERTRAINING CONTRACT OFFER- Rand Caldor Zane TC - PFO
- Pearson Hardman VS -
First Interview Invite💃VS OFFER.TRAINING CONTRACT OFFER- Wedlake Bell TC: PFO
- Withers:
Test done. PFO
Darby International TC - Not submitted. (July 31)
Lockhart Gardner TC - Not submitted (July 31)
Noble & Hale TC - Not Submitted (August 31)
I really relate to this - I'm doing SQE Prep with a different provider and am about 5/6 weeks in thinking ... how on earth does anyone memorise all this? Just wanted to say congrats on your two offers!Honest update.
The horrors persist but so do I
I'm five weeks into my SQE prep course, a little ahead according to my timetable but I still feel like I'm behind on everything compared to the people on my course. Hated dispute resolution and business law, like who needs taxation?!?!? Everyone says that the Barbri multiple choice questions are very easy compared to the real thing which is worrying me because I'm struggling with just them but I live in the hope that Part 36 rules will someday stick in my head.
I also feel kind of left behind, some of my friends who are trainees are talking about buying houses IN LONDON and I'm still living at home. Comparison may be the thief of happiness but someone needs to tell my brain that.
I have also completely burnt myself out. Finishing a dissertation alongside doing the SQE is too much for me, there are only so many hours in a day and I do think that I've been burning the candle at both ends recently. I took Saturday off but all I could think about was the fact I wasn't doing any work. I just want to fast forward this year to the part where I start my training contract, rather than spending my life making flashcards or writing essays. There is only so much new stationery that can distract me from the fact I'm about to do some very hard exams and I feel like I still know nothing.
*Edit - I bought a glitter pen and a highlighter that smells like watermelon; life is looking much better*
Thank you so much and good luck to your family members too!Even though I am an old lawyer it is very interesting. We have family members applying etc so I like to keep in touch. Good luck with SQE1 exam in January.
Good luck with that! - (PS: I love Wolf Hall too)I have exactly 2 months until my first examso let's get cracking. I have been diligent with making flashcards but now actually have to revise them which is less fun than making them. Fear is my main drive at the moment which I'm not sure is sustainable but at the same time I only have to sustain it for another 2 months and then I can relax. (until SQE 2 god willing that I pass 🙏)
My study plan at the moment is looking like this:
9 - 10 = Faff
10 - 12 = Reading that I don't want to do (at the moment it is Criminal Practice)
12 - 1 = Lunch and fun
2 - 5 = Reading, Lectures, flashcards and mixed MCQs.
5 - 6 = Faff (watching Wolf Hall)
6 - 7 = Dinner and fun
7 - 10 = My other work
10 - Bedtime
So I'm only doing around 5 hours a day on SQE which probably isn't enough. Also, it is not 5 straight hours, there are breaks in between, although I try to stay diligent. Sure, I could cut down on faff (LinkedIn doom scrolling) but where would be the fun?
What sort of learning activities do you find helpful? I’m considering purchasing it as well but can’t find any useful info online 😩Bit the bullet and paid for Quizlet Plus. I hate that it is so worth it. I do think Knowt is a good free alternative but I missed some of the learning activities. In other news I took a small break and watched Wicked; loved every moment of it but I'm now back to the grind.
So if you care to find meeeeeeee look to.... Quizlet
Happy to give tips about non -law work via DMOk had a day or two to decompress and now am back on the grind, looking for jobs lol. I want to be ahead of the curve in case I do fail the SQE and have to find myself another job. Think if I fail I will not go into law so looking at Grad jobs elsewhere. Problem is my CV is so law coded that I might struggle getting something elsewhere so any tips for those working not in law would be nice.