Hey friends, I have been getting lots of messages asking me for tips regarding interviews at various law firms. I endeavoured to reply to most of them - provided they were thoughtful questions about my personal experiences, timelines, and interview format. However, after some reflections on application ethics, I decided that I cannot and will not reply to messages asking me for the specific VI/interview questions going forward. This is for three reasons:
1. Fairness: This applies to VI mostly. It is meant to be unseen, therefore testing your communication skills when put on the spot. It is not fair if one candidate does the VI with zero knowledge of what to expect, and another candidate has a fully-rehearsed response.
2. Usefulness: Practically speaking, most firms have a bank of VI questions and interview questions they draw from randomly for each candidate, so it is very unlikely we have the exact same questions!
3. What you need to know is often in the invitation: Firms will usually tell you what category of questions you can expect (motivation, behavioural, commercial), which should be enough to guide your preparation. It is very unlikely that a firm will deliberately make their VI questions very unconventional, given that they cannot prob you further on your response unlike in a face-to-face interview. So the questions are usually very straightforward and not aimed to catch you off guard.
Hope this helps. I am rooting for everyone and I am really grateful for your support!