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How old is too old for Vacation Scheme Applications?


Active Member
Feb 14, 2022
Hello, I was wondering if there is an age at which you'd say the prospects of receiving a Vacation Scheme offer starts to go down. I am going to be 25 in a month, and facing the prospect of no TC this year, I'm considering applying again for Vacation Schemes alongside TCs for next year.


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  • Nov 12, 2019
    I am 25 (nearly 26) and I just got a vacation scheme offer! I've only ever applied to VS but I do think some firms are more student "friendly", however, as long as you're able to take time off work etc I really don't think there is an age issue for obtaining a VS. So please don't let that idea put you off from applying to VS, as a non-law applicant who has very little legal experience, doing 1-2 weeks at a firm is still equally, if not more, valuable as I want to make sure its the right career move! I hope this helps :D
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    TC fiend

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  • Apr 27, 2021
    Not too old at all! According to figures published by the Law Society the average age is 29-30 for admission to the roll of solicitors. Given that some firms only recruit from VS it’s only logical that you’d then recruit people in their mid to late twenties! Not a thing to worry about :)

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    Hello, I was wondering if there is an age at which you'd say the prospects of receiving a Vacation Scheme offer starts to go down. I am going to be 25 in a month, and facing the prospect of no TC this year, I'm considering applying again for Vacation Schemes alongside TCs for next year.
    Age won't directly be a factor to stop you.

    However, there will be some factors that correlate with being older that may make it more problematic:

    1) Older people tend to be in work. Applying for vacation schemes can then be tricky if you can't get the time off from work from your current employer, or if there is a conflict of interest between your current employer and the firm you would do a VS with.

    2) Eligibility criteria - some firms state you have to be in a certain academic year of your studies to be eligible to apply. There are enough mature students around that if a firm states you have to be a penultimate year or final year student to be eligible for their programme, they could still apply. However, many older applicants are those who have already graduated who therefore may not be eligible for some firm's programmes.

    If neither of the above apply though, you should be applying for vac schemes no matter what your age. It was fine for the mid-40s vac schemer I recruited a few years back anyway.


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  • Nov 25, 2020
    When I did my vac scheme I was on the other side of 30 already. Being a bit older, I was careful to apply to firms that I knew would potentially appreciate that experience. I think a lot of it comes down to mindset - I didn't really see my age as a hindrance and more as an advantage. I've worked before, know how to operate in an office environment and genuinely think I'll be a better lawyer having had the experience I've had compared to where I'd be if I went straight into it.
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    Dec 13, 2020
    I am 26 and have received 2 vac scheme offers this cycle and have negotiated time off with work to be able to do my chosen scheme. When I had applied for vac schemes last year with no offers I was getting bogged down with how old other people were when they got their VS offers and was worried that I am "too old" to apply. But in fact, I knew at university that I wanted to experience being a paralegal first to see if I enjoyed law in practice and if commercial law would be for me, so I would not have had the motivation to pursue this process at the time. This year I didn't put pressure on myself because I can always apply next year if I am not successful and I think this helped me not to feel like "now is my only chance to secure a VS" because of my age. Everyone has their own personal journey to a TC, don't let any concerns about your age bother you :)


    Standard Member
    Jun 16, 2022
    I am 26 and have received 2 vac scheme offers this cycle and have negotiated time off with work to be able to do my chosen scheme. When I had applied for vac schemes last year with no offers I was getting bogged down with how old other people were when they got their VS offers and was worried that I am "too old" to apply. But in fact, I knew at university that I wanted to experience being a paralegal first to see if I enjoyed law in practice and if commercial law would be for me, so I would not have had the motivation to pursue this process at the time. This year I didn't put pressure on myself because I can always apply next year if I am not successful and I think this helped me not to feel like "now is my only chance to secure a VS" because of my age. Everyone has their own personal journey to a TC, don't let any concerns about your age bother you :)
    I needed to hear this, thank you!
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    Legendary Member
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    Oct 25, 2021
    Hello, I was wondering if there is an age at which you'd say the prospects of receiving a Vacation Scheme offer starts to go down. I am going to be 25 in a month, and facing the prospect of no TC this year, I'm considering applying again for Vacation Schemes alongside TCs for next year.
    The added pressure of getting a TC by an X age or by 2023, 2024 or 20XX makes a process that is already quite competitive, stressful and emotionally testing that much more challenging. This is difficult to do, no doubt, but setting aside age or time related concerns can be really beneficial for you to be able to not only give your 100% to this process, but to also develop and highlight your true motivations for pursuing this career, which can become clouded by time related stress. There is right or appropriate time to get a TC- what matters more is if you're ready and able to make convincing applications that can get you to where you want to be. You've SO got this!
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    Alison C

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  • Nov 27, 2019
    Hello, I was wondering if there is an age at which you'd say the prospects of receiving a Vacation Scheme offer starts to go down. I am going to be 25 in a month, and facing the prospect of no TC this year, I'm considering applying again for Vacation Schemes alongside TCs for next year.
    I can officially assure you that you have another couple of decades AT LEAST - so buckle up...

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