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Hearing Back from Law Firms, Assessment Centres & Interview Tips - 2019 - 2020

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Distinguished Member
Jan 19, 2019
well said - I agree entirely but it is hard to stop the inner speculation. I think the best course of action is to simply trust in yourself that you did the very best you could at the time and in the circumstances at that time too.

Yeah... still feel bummed though... feel like chances are slimmer as a LPC student :(

Alice G

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Nov 26, 2018
Yeah... still feel bummed though... feel like chances are slimmer as a LPC student :(
Totally agree with @Jessica Booker, being on the LPC will not be making an ounce of difference so I wouldn't worry about that. I really understand how you feel. It is so easy to bestow rational and logial advice when you are not the one in a worried state of mind and I do not always listen to my own well-intentioned advice either. We all empathise with you and this feeling and I really hope you hear back soon to give you some peace of mind whatever the outcome may be.

Serah O

Star Member
Nov 28, 2018
I applied to NRF Winter Vac Scheme on the last day of the deadline. They've had an AC and loads of phone interviews already so not holding much hope. Has anyone had much luck despite applying on the last day of the deadline? @Jessica Booker from your experience is it significantly more difficult for a candidate to get through if it's one of the last applications you read?
I applied on deadline day last application cycle and got through to the AC, so don’t lose hope.
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Distinguished Member
Jan 19, 2019
chances are not decided by whether you are an LPC student or not.

Totally agree with @Jessica Booker, being on the LPC will not be making an ounce of difference so I wouldn't worry about that. I really understand how you feel. It is so easy to bestow rational and logial advice when you are not the one in a worried state of mind and I do not always listen to my own well-intentioned advice either. We all empathise with you and this feeling and I really hope you hear back soon to give you some peace of mind whatever the outcome may be.

Thanks Jessica and Alice for your kind words :) Alice, fingers crossed for you too! Hope to hear great news from you soon. You are so persistent - I admire your drive so much!
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Alice G

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Nov 26, 2018
Thanks Jessica and Alice for your kind words :) Alice, fingers crossed for you too! Hope to hear great news from you soon. You are so persistent - I admire your drive so much!
Thank you so much! I must admit I do not feel 100% motivated all the time, not by any stretch of the imagination, but we have to be in it to win it as they say :D That's really so kind of you and hoping to hear good news from you soon too!
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Active Member
Jan 30, 2019
I applied for a direct TC. I’m a bit worried I’m going to get lost in the pile with the VCs prioritised first.
Same here. I feel like there is less pressure on the VC application than TC. I have heavily applied to VCs rather than direct TC as it feels firms are leaning towards the VC route, more than ever.


Legendary Member
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Feb 28, 2018
Same here. I feel like there is less pressure on the VC application than TC. I have heavily applied to VCs rather than direct TC as it feels firms are leaning towards the VC route, more than ever.
Well that depends entirely on the firm in question and where you are in your studies. Some firms only recruit graduates from direct TC apps as they are not eligible for the VS. I honestly don't think there is less pressure on the VS application.
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  • Jan 17, 2019
    Well that depends entirely on the firm in question and where you are in your studies. Some firms only recruit graduates from direct TC apps as they are not eligible for the VS. I honestly don't think there is less pressure on the VS application.

    @Jessica Booker it would be great to hear your thoughts on this!


    Legendary Member
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    Dec 23, 2018
    From last cycle (not sure if the same this cycle):
    1. Tell me about yourself
    2. A favourite business you admire and talk about why you admire it, the opportunities and risks for the business
    3. A question relating to ambition or collegiality and how you have demonstrated it/the importance of it
    4. A question relating to challenge/ how do you challenge people and would you feel comfortable doing so?
    5. Why are you interested in law and what will you be doing as a trainee solicitor day to day


    Quick question, how long were you given to prepare for each question and how long was the actual response. Thank you.

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    @Jessica Booker it would be great to hear your thoughts on this!

    Both processes are competitive and have “pressure” behind them. How much is relative - some might have more pressure upfront in the application, others may have more pressure on the assessments (eg online assessments/video interview etc). It could be argued that there is more “pressure” on a VS application in its entirety as you basically have a 1-6 week long interview. Others may say that relying on one day’s worth of final round assessments for a direct TC is more “pressured” than a 1-6 week internship.

    Trying to second guess what could be more pressurised is again one of these things I wouldn’t waste your energy on. You’re never going to understand the intricacies of the recruitment process, nor the factors that affect the quality/quantity of other applicants.
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