Has Hogan Lovells given out rejections for their summer vacation scheme? Is anyone waiting to hear back still, like me?
same here!!
Has Hogan Lovells given out rejections for their summer vacation scheme? Is anyone waiting to hear back still, like me?
Haven’t heard back from Linklaters after getting in contact with them last week about my Capp assessment results which weren’t sent to me. The GR said she would email the assessment provider but no news yet.
I’m debating calling but I don’t want to be annoying as it isn’t urgent I’m just nosy. has this happened to anyone else??
Morning everyone,
This is so unrelated but here goes. Did three rounds of interviews for a really great job recently, including all kinds of tests that I studied hard to make sure I knew as I don't do all aspects of the role currently so wanted to show I could do it. Whilst applying for TCs etc, I have always maintained the thought that I should have a career also.
Anyway, I didn't get the job because they deemed me too experienced and too knowledgeable that I would outgrow the role too soon. Obviously absolutely gutted that they gave the job to someone else who did worse on the tests because there was room for growth for them and wouldn't need a promotion.
I was just listening to a podcast and they said "failure is how you come to the right result" so I am about to hand in my notice at my current job because I have realised that personal happiness is way more important than sitting in toxic work environments for the sake of getting ahead in a 'good' corporate career.
Basically just saying don't do something that doesn't make you truly happy just because you think it might be right.
Anyway, wish me luck and let's hope for better energy in 2020.
p.s. no-one ask me when I applied LOL
I have been offered a Mishcon de Reya vacation scheme very excited!
Hey there. Mind if I ask if this is for a VS or direct TC? I'm still waiting to hear back after their SJT and VRT for direct TC. Thanks!Hi guys! I got invited to an AC with Mayer Brown!! Does anyone has any experience with them? I’d love some help
Hey, it’s for a VS. I waited about a month to hear back after my tests if that helps. Good luck on your app!Hey there. Mind if I ask if this is for a VS or direct TC? I'm still waiting to hear back after their SJT and VRT for direct TC. Thanks!
Hey, it’s for a VS. I waited about a month to hear back after my tests if that helps. Good luck on your app!Hey there. Mind if I ask if this is for a VS or direct TC? I'm still waiting to hear back after their SJT and VRT for direct TC. Thanks!
Well done!!Got my A&O TC 2023 after 15 days of waiting post-AC!!! It's genuinely unbelievable.
I'll be drafting a detailed guide about the A&O interview but if there's anyone who needs help with A&O AC or other case study interviews, feel free to reach out to me.
Congratulations, that's fantastic!!!Got my A&O TC 2023 after 15 days of waiting post-AC!!! It's genuinely unbelievable.
I'll be drafting a detailed guide about the A&O interview but if there's anyone who needs help with A&O AC or other case study interviews, feel free to reach out to me.
I did the case study on the Wednesday and was invited to interview on the Fridaywhen did you hear back after the case study for the interview?
Did you have an AC interview at Links? Would love to know what you thought about and get some general tips/feedback on the processYeah it's hard but the first firm I was rejected from post AC I ate a whole tub of ice cream and felt super down. But if I had gotten than TC I wouldn't have interviewed at Linklaters which was a great experience and I learnt a lot in the process of preparing. So I think everything happens for a reason.
It also helps that I received another AC invite yesterday, although I am on holiday for the date so hoping it can be changed.
Hope you get good news from A&O![]()
Anyone heard from:
Freshfields TC (following a portal update)
Sidley Austin - Spring VS
Ropes & Gray - Spring VS
Dechert - Spring VS
Slaughter and May TC
Milbank - Summer VS
Cleary - Spring VS
Still ain’t heard from them lolLinks just emailed asking for my mit circs proof
Morning everyone,
This is so unrelated but here goes. Did three rounds of interviews for a really great job recently, including all kinds of tests that I studied hard to make sure I knew as I don't do all aspects of the role currently so wanted to show I could do it. Whilst applying for TCs etc, I have always maintained the thought that I should have a career also.
Anyway, I didn't get the job because they deemed me too experienced and too knowledgeable that I would outgrow the role too soon. Obviously absolutely gutted that they gave the job to someone else who did worse on the tests because there was room for growth for them and wouldn't need a promotion.
I was just listening to a podcast and they said "failure is how you come to the right result" so I am about to hand in my notice at my current job because I have realised that personal happiness is way more important than sitting in toxic work environments for the sake of getting ahead in a 'good' corporate career.
Basically just saying don't do something that doesn't make you truly happy just because you think it might be right.
Anyway, wish me luck and let's hope for better energy in 2020.
p.s. no-one ask me when I applied LOL