Hey Guest, do you have a question for graduate recruitment? Gemma Baker from Willkie is live to answer your questions!
Does anyone else overthink a lot after an AC/interview? Had one today and thought it went well but starting to think about anything that could have gone wrong
Anyone completed Weil's VI this cycle?
Thank you!!Yes I did! Mine was just two questions - Why Weil and Why Commercial law + what skills you have that would make you well suited
Please forgive me for asking such a basic question purely for reassurance.... being asked to complete a VRT by Thursday also includes Thursday doesnt it?
This is so weird I wasn’t asked in it this way.. I was asked about any law or case that I disagreed with.. which made me think they wanted something specific. So my mind went blank and I ended up bringing up a human rights decision. Weird weird. I couldn’t read their facesI mean this is a really personal thing. What law would you like changed? Why?
You could approach it in so many different ways. For example, tackling injustice in society, or going the opposite route and allowing businesses to grow even further in exploiting the working class because you believe in trickle down economics. Think about areas of law you want shifted, not a specific parliamentary act per se.
Hey guys! The Revelian Cognify test can't load on my browser! It shows a message "invalid token identified". Wondering if any of you encountered a similar problem? I emailed the Revelian team but worry that they won't get back to me today (the test is due tonight). Arghhhh!
Try a different browser, eg google chrome
Hey guys! The Revelian Cognify test can't load on my browser! It shows a message "invalid token identified". Wondering if any of you encountered a similar problem? I emailed the Revelian team but worry that they won't get back to me today (the test is due tonight). Arghhhh!
Congrats mate, drop me a message if you have any Q's!After all this chat about Travers I’m shocked but very happy to say I’ve just been invited to an AC!
Congrats! I’m still waiting for a reply and was about to give up! Figured if there next week I’d hear by now! Good luck xJust got an AC invite for Linklaters Spring VS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!