Hey, I just wanted to thank everyone on this forum for help and advice - I have now been offered two summer vacation schemes!
Unfortunately, they overlap by one week. Does anyone have any advice or has been in a similar situation? I would really like to try and do both to maximise chances for securing a training contract and also really liked both firms at the ACs.
One scheme is 3 weeks long, and I know that the first week is mostly introductory talks as the seats don't start until the second week. The other scheme is 2 weeks long.
I was thinking of ringing them both and explaining my situation and asking whether there was anything they could do. Does anyone think it is a good/bad idea to ask whether I could finish the shorter (2 week) scheme 2 days early, and start the longer (3 week) scheme 3 days late?
I want to know my options but at the same time don't want to make either firm think I am less interested in them!