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Gibson Dunn Vacation Scheme 2018


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  • Feb 17, 2018
    Gibson Dunn Vacation Scheme 2018

    Please describe your vacation scheme experience at Gibson Dunn

    I really enjoyed it! The work was interesting, the people were friendly, and I learned a lot.


    There were a number of presentations and ‘coffee sessions’, where lawyers from each practice came to chat with us and provide insight into their respective practices. One of the highlights for me was a talk delivered by Charles Falconer QC, a former Lord Chancellor and former Secretary of State, who is a partner at the firm.


    Very much depends on your supervisor. Some people had a constant stream of work to do. In my case, my supervisors often did not have work for me, so I would often go around the office looking for work.

    The vac scheme is also quite assessment heavy. There was a litigation exercise, which required us to draft a settlement agreement. There was a corporate exercise, which required us to write a client memo regarding warranties and indemnities and then advise on a specific case study. There was a business writing exercise, which required us to draft an employment contract. There was a group exercise/presentation, which required us to write a client memo and give a presentation to the board of directors of a client regarding the opportunities and challenges facing their sector and how they should proceed in the future. The BoD is made up of various partners/grad recruitment/training principals. My group’s client was a department store, and some of the groups had a gym franchise.

    There was also an unassessed negotiation exercise.


    In the first week, we went to a bowling place that also had karaoke. I have a distinct memory of singing ‘I Want It That Way’ with one of the managing partners.

    There was a trip to Flight Club (darts) during the second week, and the scheme ended with the firm’s summer party.

    What advice would you give to future students attending the Gibson Dunn vacation scheme?

    Throw yourself into everything the firm has to offer (the work, the socials, getting to know the people, the free-market system etc.). In my opinion, it’s very much the case that you will get out what you put into the scheme.

    Do not be afraid to go around knocking on the doors of associates to find work. The firm operates something called a free market system, which gives people a degree of autonomy to seek out people with whom they want to work with and the types of matters they want to work on. (Not quite as broad a scope as a non-rotational system but is rewarding for proactive individuals). My first seat supervisor did not have much work she could give to a vac schemer because everything she had required prior training, and in my second seat, my intended supervisor was in hospital until the second-to-last day of the scheme. Knocking on doors around the office gave me a good chance to speak to new people and I ultimately completed work for 10 different people. It was quite a scary thing to do at first, but once you’ve done it once, it becomes so much easier.

    Try to have a results-oriented mindset. Make sure all the work you do is as good as you can make it and do not be afraid to ask questions when you don’t understand something. People are friendly and happy to answer questions. Your supervisors provide extensive feedback on the work you do and if you do work for other people at the firm, they will give your supervisor feedback about your work too. Any negative feedback you receive will impact your chances of securing the TC. The assessments are always incredibly important. Your assessments are scored, and a bad assessment can affect your chances of securing the TC.

    There are some people at the firm with incredibly interesting stories to tell who can give you great advice – don’t be afraid to just knock on doors/go for coffee with them and pick their brains.

    As you might guess, the vac scheme is an incredibly intense experience. There were 19 people on the scheme (someone had dropped out having secured a TC elsewhere) and everyone had their eye on securing one of the few training contracts available (there’s an intake of 8, but 1 had supposedly been allocated for straight TC applications and 1 had been given to someone from the previous year). Try not to be overly tense about this and just enjoy what the scheme has to offer. You don’t want to be that shy person who never speaks, but you also don’t want to be so worried that you mumbles and bumble everything you say.

    The firm also places a huge emphasis on culture, so be nice!

    On average, what time did you arrive and leave each day?

    The official hours were 9.30 - 17.30 but I would normally get in for 9 and leave at around 18.30 – 19.00. This was purely out of choice rather than necessity.

    How would you rate your overall vacation scheme experience at Gibson Dunn?


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