from rejection to success


Valued Member
Nov 10, 2023

i've been feeling down recently and have lacked the motivation to draft applications. i have uni deadlines coming up and i feel quite overwhelmed BUT im pushing through as if i cant handle this, i wouldnt handle being a lawyer. but, i am human and everyone goes through depressing moments.

i keep overthinking my future and its kind of stressing me out. sometimes i wonder if im smart enough to get a tc but i remember that it is a training contract and all i need to have is the potential, drive, enthusiasm, curiousity etc. i just need the qualities and i believe i have them. i actually know a lot but its annoying that i still doubt myself.

anyways, im gonna focus on skadden, goodwin, paul, weiss and willkie during the next two weeks. im gonna start skadden after their open evening on wednesday. will start goodwin after the virtual open afternoon on wednesday. i want to start paul, weiss after those two. im scared to start willkie for some reason but im just gonna do it next week.

honestly praying every day for the news i want to hear before i finish my final year.


Star Member
Premium Member
  • Oct 24, 2024
    I just read this thread for some motivation because I have been feeling pretty down about the whole application cycle so far. It really is hard to keep trying in the face of rejections or even just having that belief that every app you send will be rejected. I honestly relate completely to everything you said – I have never felt so stupid nor doubted myself more in all my life because of this process and that really sucks.

    However, I just wanted to echo yasmars’s positivity. You have got this! We all have got this! By sticking at it each day, even though it sucks, means that we have the drive and the resilience. We are smart enough; we have the grades to back it up. I want you to know that I believe in you!

    I have recently been wrestling with that fear of not securing anything this year. But I think we all have to remember that it is truly never too late and there is always another app cycle.

    I personally don’t have any connections in law – frankly, my family just seems to think I’m putting off getting a job atp which makes persevering with this journey harder sometimes. Hence, I find a lot of comfort in this forum and reading threads like yours.

    We are all in this journey together and I shall be rooting for you. I wish you every success in all your applications and hope to see a positive update here soon …. and remember, you only need one firm! <3


    Valued Member
    Nov 10, 2023
    I just read this thread for some motivation because I have been feeling pretty down about the whole application cycle so far. It really is hard to keep trying in the face of rejections or even just having that belief that every app you send will be rejected. I honestly relate completely to everything you said – I have never felt so stupid nor doubted myself more in all my life because of this process and that really sucks.

    However, I just wanted to echo yasmars’s positivity. You have got this! We all have got this! By sticking at it each day, even though it sucks, means that we have the drive and the resilience. We are smart enough; we have the grades to back it up. I want you to know that I believe in you!

    I have recently been wrestling with that fear of not securing anything this year. But I think we all have to remember that it is truly never too late and there is always another app cycle.

    I personally don’t have any connections in law – frankly, my family just seems to think I’m putting off getting a job atp which makes persevering with this journey harder sometimes. Hence, I find a lot of comfort in this forum and reading threads like yours.

    We are all in this journey together and I shall be rooting for you. I wish you every success in all your applications and hope to see a positive update here soon …. and remember, you only need one firm! <3
    i read this last night and i was so moved that i had to reflect and sleep on it. thank you for your words and i really appreciate it. it's nice to hear things like this when going through so much. i want you to know that i believe in you too. i can relate to your fears and i also try to remember that there is always another app cycle, but ofc it hurts when you put your all into something and get rejected with no feedback. i'm always wondering how else can i improve? but its fine, i've been sticking at it each day like you said but i think i feel a lot more better now that i've read your post.

    i wish you success in your applications as well! thank you again❤️
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    Star Member
    Premium Member
  • Oct 24, 2024
    Thank you so much! This whole application process can be tough and honestly sometimes my motivation dwindles, but we are all going through this together and I find knowing that there is someone out there that relates to the struggles is very comforting in a way. You are strong for keeping at it and with every new application, they will just keep getting better and better. Thank you again, you got this!!!
    • 🤝
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    Valued Member
    Nov 10, 2023
    hello its me again. dec was a tough month for me, not even just because of rejections but personal stuff too. ive seen people messaging me and im in that state where replying feels like a chore rn, nothing to do with them but everything to do with me lol. ive had so many assignments due so ive spent the weekend recovering from exhaustion tbh. just taking every day as it comes, i applied to davis polk and im expecting a rejection as i just saw someone received an offer. not upset by this but just a thought. at this stage i dont feel any negative emotions, i feel neutral about everything and not stressing too much about my legal career as i believe i will get a TC. but its just not knowing what im going to do in between thats getting to me rn. should i do a masters or join a grad scheme? i have no clue but i just want to do SOMETHING, id prefer to work but not many grad schemes are open now its so annoying. ive been looking for paralegal jobs that require no experience and gosh is that hard! anyways i hope whoever is reading is okay and good luck!

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