i've been feeling down recently and have lacked the motivation to draft applications. i have uni deadlines coming up and i feel quite overwhelmed BUT im pushing through as if i cant handle this, i wouldnt handle being a lawyer. but, i am human and everyone goes through depressing moments.
i keep overthinking my future and its kind of stressing me out. sometimes i wonder if im smart enough to get a tc but i remember that it is a training contract and all i need to have is the potential, drive, enthusiasm, curiousity etc. i just need the qualities and i believe i have them. i actually know a lot but its annoying that i still doubt myself.
anyways, im gonna focus on
skadden, goodwin, paul, weiss and
willkie during the next two weeks. im gonna start
skadden after their open evening on wednesday. will start goodwin after the virtual open afternoon on wednesday. i want to start paul, weiss after those two. im scared to start
willkie for some reason but im just gonna do it next week.
honestly praying every day for the news i want to hear before i finish my final year.