I *really* want to post this on the vacation scheme thread because I am genuinely so curious as to what other people think 🤣😭 but don't want to be that annoying user who derails threads. But there's this ex-MC lawyer on LinkedIn who posts about spending his days surfing and living a nomadic lifestyle (left law). I LOVE that. In fact, I started following him for that because I honestly love seeing others finding joy and their purpose in life and hope to do the same, whatever that may look like for me.
Anyway, but I am finding his content quite cringe? Like share your journey on a more suitable platform, like insta or something? It just feels like that colleague who quits work and then doesn't stop sharing posts about it to rub in your face 🤣🤣 like imagine being his ex-colleague and seeing his surfing content come on your LINKEDIN FEED 😭😭😭
Kind of stan him shamelessly flaunting his life but also think it's a bit disingenuous posting it about on LinkedIn of all places.