I can't stop overthinking about what more I SHOULD have said and should have really ✨sell✨ myself more. Ugh.
Hey Guest, do you have a question for graduate recruitment? Gemma Baker from Willkie is live to answer your questions!
😭 u're ominously foreshadowing to grad rec what their conclusion will be if they dont offer u that schemeWhilst I was interviewing for PwC, the lights in the room turned off 😭😭 they were sensory lights or had a timer I believe which is so frustrating. It was the only uni room that was free that I booked. Oh well. It didn't look TOO dark in the room so I am not going to stress myself out over something I couldn't control. They gradually dimmed and then just 💀 just too funny
I am not above some black magic can't lie 😭😭they better watch out!😭 u're ominously foreshadowing to grad rec what their conclusion will be if they dont offer u that scheme
Wow! I’ve never heard a partner reviewing a VI before.. strange! Regardless, you’ve got this!!!! 🤞✨✨✨✨Omg so apparently now a partner is going to review my application form and VI before I get a PFO or invited to an interview. I am kind of expecting bad news because I have noticed a few typos in my application form 💀 yikes
OOoooh would love to discuss the topic. I will message you in a bit! What was yours on?That’s great advice on how to write a dissertation. In my experience of having written one, it really helps if ur critical in ur analysis. Ultimately, that’s what a dissertation evaluates. Do u have the capability to come up with logical arguments without diluting the original theme. Tricky but definitely possible with proper guidance. Btw, what topics r u thinking about? Would be interesting to know and good luck with the dissertation
writing a disso is so hard honestly I can barely dedicate 8 hours a day to it, I literally started planning my first chapter today and its bene 90 mins and I wanna cry🥹Fighting the urge to overshare on here. Probably best to keep some things off the blog. Anyway, re applications, I am just going to send off the SH application even though the recruiter didn't confirm my eligibility. The deadline is tonight and it's not like they are going to get back to me. I am going to a rave in London on 1st of March so I am going to try and be in the library and get most of my diss work done. Current target is at least 8 hours on diss a day.
When is yours due? I am literally planning on dedicating 8 hours to it daily because I left it too last minute. I don't even know where all the time in the year went 😭😭 like I don't even know at this point, I swear.writing a disso is so hard honestly I can barely dedicate 8 hours a day to it, I literally started planning my first chapter today and its bene 90 mins and I wanna cry