Bit irrelevant (tbf that could be said for this whole thread) but getting out of bed for anything at the moment is taking so much effort because this cold is actually killing me. I was going to turn on the heating but this morning my flatmate was like "we can turn it on if you need it". Like, mate, don't you? On what planets are we two existing because it can't be the same one? I will start turning it on from tomorrow because he has two huge monitors that he games on practically the entire day and I am rarely in. can abuse the gas if he is abusing the electric. And he was like, trying to be so subtle about it, "we can start turning it on when we are both in". So am I supposed to freeze to death when he isn't in? He is so silly. Even then, he rarely leaves the house bless him. I don't even think he's been to a single lecture since uni started. If he thinks I am going to coordinate heating my body with him and have an executive meeting every day about heating, he's having a laugh!
Also haven't been speaking to my friends as much today because kind of been busy, so I will try to make some time for them during the weekend. I don't know, it's like the work never ends these days. I just have to remind myself that soon it will all pay off. I cannot wait for the long holiday after all of this. Lord knows I need it 😭
Also haven't been speaking to my friends as much today because kind of been busy, so I will try to make some time for them during the weekend. I don't know, it's like the work never ends these days. I just have to remind myself that soon it will all pay off. I cannot wait for the long holiday after all of this. Lord knows I need it 😭