Ahh I see! I applied for the London training contract.
I was under the impression that their recruitment was non-rolling?
Ahh I see! I applied for the London training contract.
I didn't get a commercial question either. They told me that the AC is on the 9th but also said I'd hear back on my interview within seven days (and my interview was on the 5th) so I'm not sure how that's even going to be possible?
I heard today - I got through to the AC on January 31st.
I had my interview on Thursday morning and I heard back on Tuesday afternoon. Don't try to read into anything - sometimes how quickly you will hear back might depend on which of the recruitment team have your application in their pile or things like that. It's not always an indicator of anything so don't overthink it. If they end up rejecting someone then it's probably just because they weren't right for the firm so there's no real loss because it wouldn't have been fun to work for a firm that doesn't fit anyway.Congratulations! What time did you hear? I didn't hear so I am fearing the worst
Just got an invite to AC on 31st Jan!
Big congrats guys! Best of luckWas also just invited to AC!
Has anyone heard back since the AC on the 31st?
I don't know, sorry. I got my offer last week though.Heya, do you know whether they are still sending out AC invites please?