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Does it look bad to slightly go over the minimum word count?


Active Member
Sep 2, 2021
I'm applying to an open day to DWF and they have a minimum word count of 200 for the question 'why have you applied for an Open Day at DWF? Within your response, please demonstrate your current knowledge of DWF'. I've written two detailed paragraphs that I think express my motivations quite well, but they're slightly just over the minimum word limit at 203 words - does this look live I don't have a lot to say since I've barely used the word count (no maximum word limit was specified)?


Legendary Member
2020 Community Winner
Junior Lawyer
Jan 22, 2020
I'm applying to an open day to DWF and they have a minimum word count of 200 for the question 'why have you applied for an Open Day at DWF? Within your response, please demonstrate your current knowledge of DWF'. I've written two detailed paragraphs that I think express my motivations quite well, but they're slightly just over the minimum word limit at 203 words - does this look live I don't have a lot to say since I've barely used the word count (no maximum word limit was specified)?

I get what you're saying but for a Graduate Recruiter, word counts are pretty important as they'll want to see if you're able to be concise and follow the instructions you've been outlined.

Run your answer through Grammarly and see if any words are flagged that you could remove. You can also cut out words that don't add much value e.g. adjectives.

Three words aren't much at all to cut so I'd rather play it safe and see what you can achieve.

Good luck!

Jessica Booker

Legendary Member
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Forum Team
Aug 1, 2019
I'm applying to an open day to DWF and they have a minimum word count of 200 for the question 'why have you applied for an Open Day at DWF? Within your response, please demonstrate your current knowledge of DWF'. I've written two detailed paragraphs that I think express my motivations quite well, but they're slightly just over the minimum word limit at 203 words - does this look live I don't have a lot to say since I've barely used the word count (no maximum word limit was specified)?
What is the maximum word count?

Jessica Booker

Legendary Member
TCLA Moderator
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Graduate Recruitment
Premium Member
Forum Team
Aug 1, 2019
I've just had a closer look and at the bottom it says a maximum of 350 words.
I'd try to get somewhere around 250-275 words as a minimum then really. I suspect some more detail or variety could be pulled from your answers to get them to around this mark.
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