I think the most important thing for you to try and consider before answering is the question, 'What is CMS' unique selling point/place in the legal market?'. This is where most of the research is required. Despite firms appearing to be very similar, all firms definitely aim to uphold a certain appearance and approach that differs from their competitors in some crucial ways, and CMS is no exception.
You can probably glean from the style of the questions they pose in the online application that CMS is a tech-savvy, 'future-facing' firm, and is consequently looking for 'future-facing lawyers' who embrace change and development. When researching CMS' sectors and considering challenges and opportunities, definitely keep this in the front of your mind.
Following on from that, you should then think about some of the skills that are required in order to be a future-facing lawyer and try and convey them as best you can in your answers. Think along the lines of commercial awareness, interpersonal skills etc.
In short, make sure to research the firm as best as you can so you can tailor your answers accordingly.
I hope this helps!
Thanks a lot for that Thomas, that is really helpful! Just as a sort of follow up question, would you have any advice as to what CMS is looking for in the question:
“How would you describe the relationship between law and business?”
I was wondering if they were looking for something more along the lines of what commercial law is or if it was more to do with the law firm as a business?
Hi NLaw18,
Glad I could help!
To answer your question about the relationship between law and business, I think it is probably a combination of the two. CMS is clearly giving you the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of their business model, but also how commercial law fits into that model.
As I said in my earlier answer, definitely remember CMS is future-facing. Think about trends in the business of law that are topical and ongoing.
I recently wrote a LinkedIn article giving some tips about the online application which you might find useful:
I hope this helps too.
Anyone heard back from CMS post application yet ?
I think one of the emails they sent stated you would only hear back after the deadline, which is in January.
Hi, any idea if CMS send the online test after the deadline has passed or once you have submitted the application?
Hi, any idea if CMS send the online test after the deadline has passed or once you have submitted the application?
6 days (I sent my app on Tuesday)Thank you! How soon after submitting were you told?