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BPP LPC help. 3Days?

Jane Smith

Legendary Member
Sep 2, 2020
Thank you. I was much more hands off with my solicitor daughters over 10 years ago as they seemed to be out at BPP 4 days a week (pre-Covid) and exams were not at home and I had 3 younger children and for my work I was also out more. So I had much less time to be "Tiger Motherish" about it.

By the way, as people will know if they read their BPP emails, the final Skills results are now out - for Professional Conduct and Solicitors' Accounts. My twins just checked them today. So if people have passed those, that just leaves the 3 electives' exams to get through.

There is an Inspera test email people will have seen about ideally testing your connection (if doing this week's coming exams on line) on Inspera - I think that email relates to Private Acquisitions which is tomorrow and testing Inspera for that if you want to do so.
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Jane Smith

Legendary Member
Sep 2, 2020
Today's exam(s) seems to have been pretty tough at least in this house. I hope the rest go better.

One of my sons using the downstairs broadband ( we have two separate accounts ./BT lines/numbers one up and down) also was cut out twice (which has never happened in any other exams) but it instantly went back on again without his needing to use the ab1234 BPP code but that was certainly nothing like the main issue compared to the questions themselves and his timing issues.

Jane Smith

Legendary Member
Sep 2, 2020
By the way one son has raised a query with BPP today as he thinks that for the pdf document with the online exam yesterday one pdf differed from the supposedly identical one on the left of the screen. His twin did not notice that as he just worked from the pdf you can open up on your screen, but my other son had both pdfs open - the one on the left and the one opened up on the screen and was working from them both and found that one was slightly different on one point than the other he thinks. He has asked BPP to check and it did lose him some time trying to work it out in the exam as to which pdf was the best one to follow in that case and puzzling over the difference.

He might be wrong he says (he is not 100% sure) and also he suspects no one else doing the online exam was likely to be working from both the pdf on the left and the one you open, so it might be a unique issue for him. Anyway he thought it worth mentioning to BPP as he felt it lost him time.

Daniel Boden

Legendary Member
Highest Rated Member
  • Sep 6, 2018
    By the way one son has raised a query with BPP today as he thinks that for the pdf document with the online exam yesterday one pdf differed from the supposedly identical one on the left of the screen. His twin did not notice that as he just worked from the pdf you can open up on your screen, but my other son had both pdfs open - the one on the left and the one opened up on the screen and was working from them both and found that one was slightly different on one point than the other he thinks. He has asked BPP to check and it did lose him some time trying to work it out in the exam as to which pdf was the best one to follow in that case and puzzling over the difference.

    He might be wrong he says (he is not 100% sure) and also he suspects no one else doing the online exam was likely to be working from both the pdf on the left and the one you open, so it might be a unique issue for him. Anyway he thought it worth mentioning to BPP as he felt it lost him time.
    Yes, there was an issue with one of the questions in the second Private Acquisitions paper. The pdf I had open only had 3 points we had to analyse but the one in the question box on the left-hand side had 4 points. From what I understand, a lot of people had this issue and we have all raised it with BPP and they are aware and will ensure no student is disadvantaged. Either way, it's not ideal when the question you are answering is incomplete and missing key information... hopefully the remaining exams don't have similar issues and run as they should!
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    Legendary Member
  • Dec 14, 2018
    Hi @Jane Smith just to clarify, it is not necessary to open the PDF at the bottom right? The candidate could either rely on the document on the left hand side or open the PDF - both are supposely entirely the same right?

    Just so to ensure I did not make any mistake with viewing stuff haha! Thank you

    Jane Smith

    Legendary Member
    Sep 2, 2020
    Thanks, Daniel. I am glad my son was not the only one to raise the issue. His twin also raised a similar query with BPP because he had only looked at one of the pdfs and obviously, like most people, assumed they were identical until afterwards his twin told him of the difference. Those in that position are probably better off (now BPP knows about the issue) than my other son who had both documents open and was wasting time wondering which pdf to follow.

    R203 - yes they should have been the same document. This is all second hand from me as I have not seen it. I just remember last year when online proctored exams came in looking at the BPP's advice or Inpsera's to make sure you open the pdfs at the start of an exam rather than rely on them staying up on the other side of the screen, in case your internet connection went down (ours goes through phases of cutting out very briefly a few times a day)

    Anyway I am glad it looks like others have raised the issue. I don't think for my son who had both pdfs open and was puzzled as to whether he had the right document and ran out of time, that it will be the difference between pass and fail. However he did feel as it was the last question he answered he lost crucial minutes and did run out of time.

    Good luck to those with exams this coming week - last exams ever for my twins (unless there are any resits to do) although some people go into the week after depending on subjects.

    Jane Smith

    Legendary Member
    Sep 2, 2020
    It has been an interesting year. My twins finished today as I think have most people (but not everyone - some electives are next week). Probably the masters (which my twins are not doing) might involve a bit more work still.

    I have also been down memory lane to my Finals course (it was a new course in the early 1980s replacing "Parts 2s" and before it was replaced by the LPC). We had all the exams for the year in late July obviously in those days in an exam hall and closed book, handwritten.

    20 July Business Law (including Company Law)
    21 July Conveyancing
    22 July Probate
    [23/24 weekend]
    25 July Litigation
    26 July Accounts. Partnership.
    27 July Family. Consumer Law

    I think professional conduct was part of the other exams in those days as was tax rather than a separate exam. There were no specific skills exams. It is not vastly different from the LPC core subjects really. I think there was some employment law in it too but I might be wrong as I did an "industrial law" module in my LLB so I may be remembering that instead.

    Good luck to everyone for 22 July results day.

    Student card of BBP says to "September 2022". That is probably wise to make it so late in case people have resits in August. It will affect things like getting student discounts.

    I presume people still have access to the hub and related materials and library until about September in case of resits.

    Twins have returned BPP locker keys (posted them back and I think they never used the locker anyway at Holborn) . I am assuming there might be some kind of charge if they are not returned so might be worth doing or may be it is best to wait to see if a resit is needed.

    Council tax letter BPP sent for me a while back says "until 17 June" they are students, so I will have to notify the council I am not a single adult here then, although I doubt the twins will be rushing to pay my extra 25% council tax from then.

    Today for some will be the end of an era of being a student.
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    Jane Smith

    Legendary Member
    Sep 2, 2020
    For anyone still following it we noticed today that BPP seem to have changed the LPC results release date. On the print out in our kitchen with elective names it says 22 July which is what we had down. However we now see the following - so it looks like it has been changed to 25 July:

    "July 2022 Results​

    The results from the July 2022 External Academic Board will be released on 25 July 2022, 2pm. Transcripts will be sent within 6 weeks of the date of release to the BPP email account.

    On Monday 25 July you will be sent an e-mail, to your BPP e-mail address, containing a link to enable you to access your results. The results grids are in SRN order and to find your SRN please open the file, key CTRL+F and write your SRN in the find window on the top of the page."

    Good luck to everyone for their results which I believe are only now for the 3 electives (for those not doing the LLM).
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    Jane Smith

    Legendary Member
    Sep 2, 2020
    There is a longer message on the Announcements section of the Hub put up by BPP yesterday about results being issued on Monday 25 July although the gist is pretty much as expected - an email is sent to the student and they search their student number and find their result or something along those lines.
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    Jane Smith

    Legendary Member
    Sep 2, 2020
    Just to conclude my comments after today's BPP LPC results- both my twins did fine and had worked very hard and I am very pleased. They will qualify in 2024. I know not everyone has passed, of course, so good luck to anyone who has resits this summer and many thanks to everyone who contributed to this useful discussion since last summer when the LPC only had "3 days" before it started.

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    Just to conclude my comments after today's BPP LPC results- both my twins did fine and had worked very hard and I am very pleased. They will qualify in 2024. I know not everyone has passed, of course, so good luck to anyone who has resits this summer and many thanks to everyone who contributed to this useful discussion since last summer when the LPC only had "3 days" before it started.
    Thank you for all your contributions! It’s been super helpful having someone on top of everything that has been happening on the course.
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    Jane Smith

    Legendary Member
    Sep 2, 2020
    Thank you for all being so polite to allow an older lawyer in your midst (who with 2 children on the LPC was a bit of a "tiger mother" this year). It was in the 1980s when we were first choosing schools for our older children so it has been a particularly long period of having children in some kind of education from nursery school for child 1 (she started in 1987) to LPC - last children - twins (35 year stint for me). I am now quite interested in legal education. SQE etc so may pop in occasionally. Best of luck to everyone on here.

    I am an example of many failures but did fine from my 139 law firm applications in the final year of my LLB and 25 interviews with London firms. I gained an offer of a TC in 1982 eventually in about January of my last LLB year at a time when we had the worst unemployment then in 1982 for fifty years with 3m out of work, for after my post grad "Finals" course; However then I wasn't kept on after my training contract even though most people were (although I did go to an even better firm immediately so that was rather nice). Things tend to work out okay in the end although they can seem very difficult at times.

    Jane Smith

    Legendary Member
    Sep 2, 2020
    I am sure the 2021/22 LPC BPP students are long gone from this thread of 12 months ago, but if anyone is still here there is a recent BPP email (2 Sept) to the cohort including my twins. The essence is fill in the "survey" including your current address if you want a physical paper certificate for passing the LPC course (for those who passed).

    If you do not complete the survey you will not receive a paper certificate.

    My son also checked on the Hub and the transcript of marks should be out within 8 weeks of 25 July results release do i.e. presumably later this coming week or the next although the certificate email does not mention transcripts.

    Jane Smith

    Legendary Member
    Sep 2, 2020
    I know I am talking to myself here.... but anyone of last year's LPC cohort with BPP my sons were checking the position on transcripts on the Hub - transcripts of marks should have been out by now. They found these 3 statements so it sounds like there is a delay. (Certificates come later - see comment above this one).

    "Completing students

    Transcripts will be sent by email within 6 weeks from of the results release. We are currently working through a backlog, thus please note that it may take longer to receive your transcript."

    Also we thought originally transcripts would be out around 8 September given 25 July results release date.

    "You should receive your LPC transcript by email from the University Assessment Office (within six weeks of the results being released)."

    "July 2022 Results

    The results from the July 2022 External Academic Board will be released on 25 July 2022, 2pm. Transcripts will be sent within 6 weeks of the date of release to the BPP email account."
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    Esteemed Member
    Oct 12, 2020
    I am sure the 2021/22 LPC BPP students are long gone from this thread of 12 months ago, but if anyone is still here there is a recent BPP email (2 Sept) to the cohort including my twins. The essence is fill in the "survey" including your current address if you want a physical paper certificate for passing the LPC course (for those who passed).

    If you do not complete the survey you will not receive a paper certificate.

    My son also checked on the Hub and the transcript of marks should be out within 8 weeks of 25 July results release do i.e. presumably later this coming week or the next although the certificate email does not mention transcripts.

    I know I am talking to myself here.... but anyone of last year's LPC cohort with BPP my sons were checking the position on transcripts on the Hub - transcripts of marks should have been out by now. They found these 3 statements so it sounds like there is a delay. (Certificates come later - see comment above this one).

    "Completing students

    Transcripts will be sent by email within 6 weeks from of the results release. We are currently working through a backlog, thus please note that it may take longer to receive your transcript."

    Also we thought originally transcripts would be out around 8 September given 25 July results release date.

    "You should receive your LPC transcript by email from the University Assessment Office (within six weeks of the results being released)."

    "July 2022 Results

    The results from the July 2022 External Academic Board will be released on 25 July 2022, 2pm. Transcripts will be sent within 6 weeks of the date of release to the BPP email account."

    Hi Jane,

    Thanks for these updates!

    I did the LPC LLM but did not receive the email of 2 Sept (even though I definitely passed the LPC portion!) so I'm not sure if there's maybe a delay as LLM students still need their dissertation graded?

    And interesting info about the transcripts! I didn't realise we were supposed to have them by now.

    Regardless, thanks for keeping us all updated :)

    Jane Smith

    Legendary Member
    Sep 2, 2020
    My twins were LPC without LLM so finished a bit sooner. I suppose it is possible the transcript will be in with the certificates when they come in November.
    (The LPC cert is important as when you are admitted as a solicitor you have to upload the certificate (and your professional skills course certs of those PSC course done under the training contract).
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    Jane Smith

    Legendary Member
    Sep 2, 2020
    BPP h ave emailed my twins today to say they can register to access a weblink thing to see their online LPC cert. On that you can see the cert. but not the transcript (marks) promised within 6 weeks of end of July so they have raised a query about transcripts. I suppose the transcript might come in due course with the posted certificate but by then may be their BPP online query access will be closed as no longer students so they thought it best to put in the query.

    The end is in sight however....
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    Esteemed Member
    Oct 12, 2020
    BPP h ave emailed my twins today to say they can register to access a weblink thing to see their online LPC cert. On that you can see the cert. but not the transcript (marks) promised within 6 weeks of end of July so they have raised a query about transcripts. I suppose the transcript might come in due course with the posted certificate but by then may be their BPP online query access will be closed as no longer students so they thought it best to put in the query.

    The end is in sight however....
    still nothing for me as an LLM LPC student. Will keep my eye out

    Jane Smith

    Legendary Member
    Sep 2, 2020
    I thought I saw two certificates but am totally wrong. On the eportal where the certificates are stored there are two in our case - one for the postgraduate diploma in law (last year's PGDL) dated 2021 and then this year's LPC. So much for my supposed good attention to details.... Still no transcript of marks however...
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