BCLP - listing your achievements, positions of responsibilities etc;


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Junior Lawyer
Sep 30, 2018

In BCLP's vacation scheme application, one of the questions is to -
"Please detail any academic awards, positions of responsibilities and/ or any interests or hobbies outside of academics and work experience (please list in bullet points)."

In comparison to other law firm applications, this question specifically asks for the achievements to be listed in bullet points. How should we go about structuring an answer? Do we simply list our achievements (e.g. just listing the positions of responsibilities), or should we still include the actions, outcomes and skills learnt during our positions of responsibilities?

Thank you!


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  • Feb 17, 2018

    In BCLP's vacation scheme application, one of the questions is to -
    "Please detail any academic awards, positions of responsibilities and/ or any interests or hobbies outside of academics and work experience (please list in bullet points)."

    In comparison to other law firm applications, this question specifically asks for the achievements to be listed in bullet points. How should we go about structuring an answer? Do we simply list our achievements (e.g. just listing the positions of responsibilities), or should we still include the actions, outcomes and skills learnt during our positions of responsibilities?

    Thank you!

    What is the word count for this question?


    Founder, TCLA
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  • Feb 17, 2018

    In BCLP's vacation scheme application, one of the questions is to -
    "Please detail any academic awards, positions of responsibilities and/ or any interests or hobbies outside of academics and work experience (please list in bullet points)."

    In comparison to other law firm applications, this question specifically asks for the achievements to be listed in bullet points. How should we go about structuring an answer? Do we simply list our achievements (e.g. just listing the positions of responsibilities), or should we still include the actions, outcomes and skills learnt during our positions of responsibilities?

    Thank you!

    Hmm, this question isn't very clear -- you could easily interpret it both ways. I would lean towards the first largely because it would be strange for them to ask you to list in bullet points if they wanted the latter. If it's a particularly impressive experience, I'm sure you could get away with listing some outcomes and actions, provided your descriptions are concise.

    Does anyone else have any thoughts/has anyone applied to BCLP?

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