The only way it can be a weak link is if you’re forcing the link itself and if it’s not authentically true to you. I’d try to substantiate what it is you’ve enjoyed about the various aspects you’ve experienced so it’s a bit deeper and more analytical but if you can genuinely discuss your open-mindedness and the brevity of things you enjoy then this sounds like a good point to make
just to add to this- it’s as much about whether points or links are good or bad, it’s more about how you write/explain and authentically discuss the points and links you are making. It’s less about them in and of themselves and about how you put them across and convey them on the pagethat’s why application writing can be so tough. Yes, it does matter substantively what you are saying and what points you are choosing to a degree but your writing and how you embed them points into your narrative is what makes a standout application
Amazing, thanks so so much!