Some firms may, but it is going to depend on the relative strength of the rest of the application. If it’s lacking evidence of your interest in commercial matters elsewhere then those module choices could stand out more.
I personally wouldn’t put on an application your reasons for choosing the modules. Possibly one to mention in an interview but you’ll have to spin it in the right way.
They will be interested in why you chose modules/dissertation topics. Anything on your application is fair game - they will want to hear why you make choices.
Hi Jessica, I chose a few non-commercial law modules in my final year, having heard that in some modules, some of the marks were historically capped to a 70. As I wanted to secure an overall mid-First in my final year, this affected how I chose my modules. Subsequently, I selected company/commercial law, but also had family law in the mix.
If I explain this to a firm, do you think that would be deemed a reasonable explanation? Would really love to hear your insight
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