If you have a training contract offer on the table (with a time limit for acceptance), and you have vacation schemes at two firms due to go ahead in summer (either in real life or virtually), is it advisable to ask the latter two firms whether they'd be willing to offer a direct TC? If so, has there ever been success in it? For context, I'd prefer to train at either of the latter two firms.
Apologies if this question has been asked hundreds of times but any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Several options here, some of which can be done in conjunction with one another:
1) ask the firm you have a TC offer with whether they can extend the deadline to after your vacation schemes end
2) Accept the TC offer and then renege it at a later date if you get other offers you would prefer
3) Ask your vac scheme firms to transfer you to a TC recruitment process instead
All of the above options are feasible and happen regularly across firms. Really depends on the firm’s policies/approach and obviously what the individual wants to do too.
Some caveats:
- check the T&Cs of your vac scheme and TC offers - some may say you can’t hold an offer by another firm and work for them, or that if you do you need to declare it first and get permission.
- if you have received any financial support from the firm you have a TC with, this complicates the above. At best you will need to pay back that finance immediately should you renege their offer (so be aware you need the funds in your account).