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Ask A Graduate Recruiter Anything!

Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
Hi Jessica!
I am currently completing an application but one of the questions is asking what my most significant achievement in my academic career. (There is also one about outside of academic career).
It has been a very long time since my studies and I usually will have an answer that is related to work and not study.
Would I have to reach far back into my academic time to answer this?
The term "academic career" is an odd one!

Have you completed any professional qualifications or training? That could still be academic.

But you can pull upon older experiences if your last academic was some time ago (I would have to do the same).

Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
Thanks Jessica! Unfortunately, I haven't. Maybe this application is not the best one for me to complete

I wouldn’t assume that. You just put your best academic achievement in. Mine would be 17 years old now but I’d still put it on a form and explain why it was my biggest academic achievement. Doesn’t make it any less of an achievement.
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Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
Yes, I have not accepted it but I mentioned the TV on the work exp section

Ok - this is why they are confused. You’d only put a TC in the work experience section if it was something you have done or had accepted.

You don’t need to explain your motivations to them again. You just need to say that you hold a TC offer that you don’t have to accept until mid September and therefore you are still exploring opportunities with other firms.


Esteemed Member
Forum Winner
Oct 7, 2020
Hi @Jessica Booker!

I got a vac scheme offer a few weeks ago and have since completed a couple more applications for other firms, but it somehow didn't cross my mind at all to include the vac scheme on my work experience section as a future work experience. Most grad rec teams that I've spoken to at events have said that it's a good idea to list any upcoming work experiences you have on the application, and I think having secured a vac scheme might strengthen my application (since I have limited legal experience), but I can't go back and edit the work history section on my applications.

I was wondering if it would be worth it to email grad rec for one of the firms (since it's one of my top choices) notifying them of this addition to my work experience section or would it not make a difference because of how busy they are? I'm worried it'll be seen as an inconvenience to them and won't actually matter much in terms of considering my application. Do you think I should just leave it?

Numerius Negidius

Legendary Member
Aug 8, 2020
Ok - this is why they are confused. You’d only put a TC in the work experience section if it was something you have done or had accepted.

You don’t need to explain your motivations to them again. You just need to say that you hold a TC offer that you don’t have to accept until mid September and therefore you are still exploring opportunities with other firms.
Thanks Jessica. I listed the training contract in the same entry as my vacation scheme at the MC firm. I will send you a PM with the exact wording of their email. My initial understanding of what they meant is that they are aware I have not yet accepted the TC but want to know more about why I would choose them over the MC. I'm curious what you think about the email.

Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
Hi @Jessica Booker!

I got a vac scheme offer a few weeks ago and have since completed a couple more applications for other firms, but it somehow didn't cross my mind at all to include the vac scheme on my work experience section as a future work experience. Most grad rec teams that I've spoken to at events have said that it's a good idea to list any upcoming work experiences you have on the application, and I think having secured a vac scheme might strengthen my application (since I have limited legal experience), but I can't go back and edit the work history section on my applications.

I was wondering if it would be worth it to email grad rec for one of the firms (since it's one of my top choices) notifying them of this addition to my work experience section or would it not make a difference because of how busy they are? I'm worried it'll be seen as an inconvenience to them and won't actually matter much in terms of considering my application. Do you think I should just leave it?

Personally, I wouldn't bother. Firms are unlikely to be able to update your application either and so won't be able to hold this information anywhere convenient. If you get invited to interview, it is appropraite to mention it then (quite common for it to come up at interview how you have structured/planned your summer).
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Esteemed Member
Forum Winner
Oct 7, 2020
Personally, I wouldn't bother. Firm's are unlikely to be able to update your application either and so won't be able to hold this information anywhere convenient. If you get invited to interview, it is appropraite to mention it then (quite common for it to come up at interview how you have structured/planned your summer).

Thank you, that really helps!


Esteemed Member
Oct 20, 2020
Hi @Jessica Booker

For the Travers Smith Vacation Scheme applicants have to submit a cover letter. I have read that cover letters should be one-page long, but as there are no questions in the application about Why Commercial Law or Why Travers (which in other applications are usually expected to be around 300 words) this seems quite short. Travers have stated that there is no word limit (Ashurst, who also require a cover letter in addition to their application letters, have a word limit of 1000 words).

Do you think its okay in this case if my cover letter is over one page?

Also do you think that I should include anything on why I am suitable for the role/skills that I have in the cover letter (the application does ask for i)details of any positions of responsibility and achievements, ii)details of your main extra-curricular activities and leisure interests, iii)work experience section in other sections of its application)?


Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
Hi @Jessica Booker

For the Travers Smith Vacation Scheme applicants have to submit a cover letter. I have read that cover letters should be one-page long, but as there are no questions in the application about Why Commercial Law or Why Travers (which in other applications are usually expected to be around 300 words) this seems quite short. Travers have stated that there is no word limit (Ashurst, who also require a cover letter in addition to their application letters, have a word limit of 1000 words).

Do you think its okay in this case if my cover letter is over one page?

Also do you think that I should include anything on why I am suitable for the role/skills that I have in the cover letter (the application does ask for i)details of any positions of responsibility and achievements, ii)details of your main extra-curricular activities and leisure interests, iii)work experience section in other sections of its application)?


Most Travers applications I see are around 750-800 words.

Ellis Finch

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2020
Hi @Jessica Booker

I recently had an interview which I think went quite well, except one question about where the law firm should expand next. I listed a location in which the firm already had numerous offices. Do you think this would, on its own, be enough for a rejection? I feel quite down/stupid about it.

Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
Hi @Jessica Booker

I recently had an interview which I think went quite well, except one question about where the law firm should expand next. I listed a location in which the firm already had numerous offices. Do you think this would, on its own, be enough for a rejection? I feel quite down/stupid about it.

It might be, but at the same time there is a reasonable chance that if the rest of your interview was strong that they would overlook it.

Most candidates will have a “wrong” answer in their interview


Esteemed Member
Junior Lawyer
Sep 22, 2018
Hello Jessica,

I hope you’re well. I was preparing my answer for the q “have you ever worked with someone difficult?” And i was wondering, how you would be expected to deal with a difficult colleague when you’re actually working in a law firm? Are you meant to talk to them about it, report them to your supervisor?

Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
Hello Jessica,

I hope you’re well. I was preparing my answer for the q “have you ever worked with someone difficult?” And i was wondering, how you would be expected to deal with a difficult colleague when you’re actually working in a law firm? Are you meant to talk to them about it, report them to your supervisor?

There’s no one approach to a situation like this. Very much depends on the circumstances.
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Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
It is exceptionally busy in the forums at the moment and I am getting inundated with PMs. PMs are often about very common themes and so it would be better for these questions to be posted in the forums to avoid duplication.

PMs should only really be used if the matter contains personal information specific to you.
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Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
@Jessica Booker Hello Ma'am, hope you are doing well. I had a small question in mind. During the Graduate Recruitment interview, there are so many questions asked. Which ones are actually deal-breakers? My guess is that " Why x firm" and "Why commercial law" are the most important of them all.

no questions are deal breakers, only answer to them.

Any question can lead to a deal breaker answer though
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