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  • Apr 14, 2020
    To continue with the comments about word counts above, do you think a 200 word answer for 'Why Law' is okay if the maximum word count is 250, or shall I try and add some more things. It was nearer to the limit but I have since cut it down to make it more punchy, etc.


    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    Hi Jessica, thank for your response! I did a collaboration with Weil on a D&I initiative but, looking at their VS application form, there doesn't seem to be a place where I can slot in this discussion. This is probably a stupid question but is it worth omitting or should I mention it regardless?

    I suspect there are a few places you could mention it. I don’t see why you would purposely avoid including it.

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    To continue with the comments about word counts above, do you think a 200 word answer for 'Why Law' is okay if the maximum word count is 250, or shall I try and add some more things. It was nearer to the limit but I have since cut it down to make it more punchy, etc.


    200 words is fine, but I wouldn’t go much below that.

    Have you really explained why the day job and why the career? Most people miss out the former.
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    Legendary Member
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    Dec 21, 2019

    Regarding the following question: "If you could introduce a new law what would it be and why?", do I have to be specific about what the law would include - e.g. provisions - or just say the purpose of the law/what it is about?


    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019

    Regarding the following question: "If you could introduce a new law what would it be and why?", do I have to be specific about what the law would include - e.g. provisions - or just say the purpose of the law/what it is about?


    I think it needs to have some practical application in a sense it would need to practically work, but it doesn’t need technical specifics of how the law would be designed (if that makes sense).
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    Active Member
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    Oct 22, 2020

    With the question, "Law firms are all different - tell us about three things, which are personal to you, that you feel differentiate this law firm from other leading firms and encouraged you to apply" do you only speak about the research you have done on a firm or would you also link it back to yourself and your experiences?

    Also, when a question asks what inspires you is the answer meant to be more personal or would you link it to your experiences and relate it to the firm you're applying to?

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019

    With the question, "Law firms are all different - tell us about three things, which are personal to you, that you feel differentiate this law firm from other leading firms and encouraged you to apply" do you only speak about the research you have done on a firm or would you also link it back to yourself and your experiences?

    Also, when a question asks what inspires you is the answer meant to be more personal or would you link it to your experiences and relate it to the firm you're applying to?

    Basically pick the three most important factors that made you apply to that firm that when combined are clear differentiators to the other firms you are applying to.

    I am assuming your second point is also about the Baker McKenzie application that asks Tell us about something - anything - that excites and inspires you. If so, you are just supposed to pick something you are genuinely passionate about/inspired by. There is no need to link it back to the firm - I have seen people talk about martial arts, a charitable cause, Anime, ultimate frisbee, a particular political movement/social cause, a particular type of technology etc. In some ways the strongest answer I see often have no connection to the firm (because it is typically a bit forced when it is).

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    Is there a recommended structure to follow when answering questions about what your most significant achievements have been?

    No defined structure as such. You may just want to consider what order you want to put your achievements in - such as whether by significance, by reverse chronological order, by grouping them into subjects (eg academic, and extra curriculars) or a hybrid of any of the above.
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    Active Member
    Sep 1, 2020
    Dear Jess,

    A quick question on the application question:

    What key attributes do you believe are necessary to become a successful lawyer? (250)

    Naturally, I want to make sure I answer the question and actually outline the 'key attributes' that are required to become 'a successful lawyer'. But I was wondering whether I should then explain that I possess this attributes (with examples), after saying what the 'key attributes' are?

    Thanks for your wisdom in advance!

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    Dear Jess,

    A quick question on the application question:

    What key attributes do you believe are necessary to become a successful lawyer? (250)

    Naturally, I want to make sure I answer the question and actually outline the 'key attributes' that are required to become 'a successful lawyer'. But I was wondering whether I should then explain that I possess this attributes (with examples), after saying what the 'key attributes' are?

    Thanks for your wisdom in advance!

    No you don’t have to demonstrate the skills, otherwise they would explicitly ask you to do so. Given the word count here, I don’t think you could do so convincingly anyway.

    If you choose to do it (and I have seen people do it), you need to do so exceptionally concisely and often just referencing (and clearly sign posting) to other parts of your application rather than providing detail.
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    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    Hi Jessica,

    Generally, does a reader of an application read the work experience/academic history of the candidate before reading the answers to the longer questions?


    no set answer to this. Depends on the firm, depends on their requirements, depends on their form format, depends what they put weighting on.

    Even within a firm it can vary depending on what the candidate has put on their application form.

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    Baker McKenzie ask the following in their app: "Please tell us what you consider to be your key achievements and interests to date. (300 words)"

    Can this be bulletpointed or do they expect a long answer?

    Be mindful you might not be able to format bullet points on the application form.

    But I have seen plenty of short/succinct entries that are like bullet points though
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    Legendary Member
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  • Nov 14, 2020
    Any advice in displaying your disability as something good? Some firms seem to be 'diverse' but it is a sugar coating. Any advice appreciated, whether its wording or how to choose/approach firms
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  • Feb 10, 2020
    "Tell us about responsibilities you have taken on outside of work and/or study."

    Just to clarify, would I be able to talk about a society position within university under this question or do I have to provide an example completely separate to work and study?


    Legendary Member
    Future Trainee
    Oct 30, 2019
    Do you have any advice on what competencies you should prepare examples for? I have seen lists of around a 100! Is it best to look on their website and application to predict what they will ask you?

    I think thats a good starting point. Inevitably you won't be able to prepare for every question possible, and I have definitely had some competency questions which were so different to what I have prepared. But have a sip of water and take a minute to think, and you will find an example to talk about. Sometimes, I think competency questions are more about how you say it than what you say.
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