I think this is sometimes the danger on putting deals in your application. You should only be doing so if you have a real genuine interest and knowledge of them, and so you willing and able to talk about them in depth.
As I have said a few posts back though, it’s not really about knowing the facts. It’s about analysing the matter and holding an opinion about it.
I used to say at events, I don’t need you to know what the price of oil is today or what the FTSE 100 is at today, as I am not recruiting you for another 2-3 years and so factual information like this becomes completely irrelevant. What I need to you to be able to do is put together your rationale as to why you think the price of oil is high/low/increasing/decreasing or why the FTSE 100 is at a high/low/decline/improving. That analytical skill is what I am looking for - not the ability to recite factual things, which to be frank anyone can do.
The same applies to deals/cases/matters.