Anyone have any thoughts on how I can talk about Asos’s purchase of Topshop and boohoo purchase of Debenhams as a commercial story I’m interested in? Any impacts on the retail sector or interesting opinions? Just trying to form my own thoughts and thought would be helpful to discuss with others
I'm looking at this too and I've kind of looked at this way:
1) Changes in the law = Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 (June 2020)
2) Key stories = Asos acquiring Arcadia, Boohoo acquiring Debenhams, New Look Rent Restructuring (then maybe looking at how different companies have tried to cope because of covid, so Pret's coffee subscription thing)
3) Impact on law firm practice areas = Increased pressure because of distressed M&A + insolvency litigation + different financing options?
4) Commercial Impact = your personal opinion on whether you think this is good for the market can fit in here + remember that Boohoo isn't actually acquiring Debenhams' physical stores
5) Long term impact = again, this would be a good place to put your opinion in regarding the future of the British High Street and legal work in that area
If you wanna chat about it pm cause I'm still thinking about it lmao