I personally think the example you have chosen is great. Is this for Ashurst by any chance?I asked this the other day. However, I'm really struggling to flesh it out as a genuine answer to reach (or be close to) the 500 word limit. However, the question specifies the achievement has to be in the past 2 years and well...I've had a horrible past two years so there's no other achievements I can think of.
Anyway, if mentioning the flying I was thinking about explaining the methods that failed when trying to get over this fear. Moving onto what I did that worked. Affter this, I was going to talk about how the skills learned have made me into a more confident person. And how this mas made me tackle my fears and anxieties better.
This is all true to me. However, I feel like this answer just seems really weak by comparison to someone that has done extensive charity work etc.
Am I structuring it right? Is there anything I should include? Or should I just pick another example altogether?
Sorry for the ramble
I have been successful in getting to the AC stage, and used a similar personal example where I fell off my horse during a competition and how that made me become more confident and resilient as a person - all skills they look for in a trainee solicitor. So do make sure you refer back to the skills they look for in your answer.
I do not think your answer is a boring one, the question is there to showcase your “character” and the more personal the better from my experience.
I would focus more on what you did to overcome this fear, and walk the recruiter through this journey. I would really try and go into detail and be specific on HOW this is a achievement e.g. as a result, I travelled by myself on a 8-hour flight to X, something I would not have achieved a year ago etc... or since then, I have travelled to two countries ....
Good luck, I’m sure you will smash it