2020-21 Direct Training Contract Applications Discussion

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Georgina Evans

Valued Member
  • Jul 25, 2019
    Does anyone have any tips on how to get back onto applying for TCs?

    I work full-time and am currently writing my masters dissertation so took some time off from applying to direct TCs and now I feel like I've missed a lot of deadlines and feel like I have no motivation to start researching firms and writing applications.

    This cycle feels exceptionally tough


    Legendary Member
    Forum Winner
    Nov 23, 2019
    Does anyone have any tips on how to get back onto applying for TCs?

    I work full-time and am currently writing my masters dissertation so took some time off from applying to direct TCs and now I feel like I've missed a lot of deadlines and feel like I have no motivation to start researching firms and writing applications.

    This cycle feels exceptionally tough

    As you work full time, your “spare time” to do applications would be the mornings before work, the evenings after work and/or the weekends. I had this issue last year and I chose to spend mornings and weekends on applications and chilled in the evening. Mornings and weekends I am more alert whilst evenings I was pretty exhausted from staring at a screen all day. I wanted to dedicate enough time to applications but I also wanted to schedule time to relax too.

    In terms of getting started:
    1) Podcasts - I personally listened to podcasts to motivate me. I listened to commercial law topics I found interesting and it reminded me that the only way I could secure a TC is by writing TC applications.
    2) TC deadlines - I would also have a look at TC deadlines list from Chambers or LCN and make a list of firms you actually would like to apply to. The app won’t be worth the time if you don’t see yourself working there. Yes, many deadlines have passed but many are still open. It only takes one TC!
    3) Brainstorm answers - Open the app and make a note of the questions, you can do this whilst listening to upbeat music to motivate you too. Then brainstorm answer to questions starting with easier ones like extra curricular to boost your confidence and then moving to the harder ones over time.

    TLDR -
    1) Choose a time of day where you dedicate time to apps and dedicate time to rest
    2) Listen to podcasts - could be motivational ones or commercial law topics you find interesting
    3) Make a list of firms you genuinely see yourself working at
    4) Make a note of their app questions and brainstorm answers starting with the ones you find easiest

    Wishing you the best of luck


    Legendary Member
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  • May 29, 2019
    Does anyone have any tips on how to get back onto applying for TCs?

    I work full-time and am currently writing my masters dissertation so took some time off from applying to direct TCs and now I feel like I've missed a lot of deadlines and feel like I have no motivation to start researching firms and writing applications.

    This cycle feels exceptionally tough
    Hi Georgina, I am in a similar position working full-time. I had a bit of a break recently mostly due to tough rejections, and the mental burn-out I have felt as a result. I find it somewhat hard for me to really focus and dedicate the time to apps particularly when all my housemates are having fun at every free second. Like Holly ^ mentioned, I specifically listen to podcasts that help motivate me, and I try and fit in things at the start of my day that put me in a positive frame of mind, e.g for me I go the gym. I then try and dedicate specific hours solely for writing apps. I honestly think the hardest part is starting a new app, but give yourself a break if you need it, and tune into what 'you' need. :)


    Active Member
    Feb 6, 2021
    does anyone know if stephenson harwood allows applications to two of their offices? i applied to one of them in end of jan for a direct TC and they have continued to string me along, letting me know they're still making decisions ("We are currently reviewing all applications for the training contract and will let you know as soon as possible" - it has been FIVE MONTHS.

    at this rate I'm starting to regret not applying to their UK office instead - for personal reasons I have had a change of heart and would now really prefer to practice in the UK, and am making applications with other firms, but would love to have a chance to practice at SH in London.

    anyone know if they have a strict policy against making applications to two offices, or alternatively, whether it'd be possible to withdraw my earlier application to submit a UK one?

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    does anyone know if stephenson harwood allows applications to two of their offices? i applied to one of them in end of jan for a direct TC and they have continued to string me along, letting me know they're still making decisions ("We are currently reviewing all applications for the training contract and will let you know as soon as possible" - it has been FIVE MONTHS.

    at this rate I'm starting to regret not applying to their UK office instead - for personal reasons I have had a change of heart and would now really prefer to practice in the UK, and am making applications with other firms, but would love to have a chance to practice at SH in London.

    anyone know if they have a strict policy against making applications to two offices, or alternatively, whether it'd be possible to withdraw my earlier application to submit a UK one?
    In more cases than not, the recruitment for the two offices will be separate, so I don't think this will be an issue. You may want to explain the change of mind regarding the location in your app though.


    Star Member
    Junior Lawyer
    Nov 5, 2018
    Has anybody been in the position before where you literally cannot bring yourself to do applications (because you tell yourself you're not good enough/because you put yourself down/because you question whether you even want it enough - potentially an excuse) and then a whole cycle goes by and you have only done one and then get really upset with yourself and tell yourself you are not cut out to be a solicitor?! How do I break this?!

    Jessica Booker

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    Aug 1, 2019
    Has anybody been in the position before where you literally cannot bring yourself to do applications (because you tell yourself you're not good enough/because you put yourself down/because you question whether you even want it enough - potentially an excuse) and then a whole cycle goes by and you have only done one and then get really upset with yourself and tell yourself you are not cut out to be a solicitor?! How do I break this?!
    Not for applications but I am guilty of this with my business. It's ultimately the fear of failure - your mind is trying to tell you that you shouldn't try because it's easier to accept/say it is down to your choices rather than potentially someone telling you, that in their mind, you/your idea/your work isn't good enough. It's short-term thinking of trying to keep things in your control too.

    When I think like this, I try to remember that saying "you will only regret the things you don't do". I know it rings true for everything else in my life anyway.

    I personally think with law there is a lot for giving it a go anyway and trying to persevere through self-doubt even if it doesn't lead to success. I think it is also healthy for anyone who is considering a career in commercial law to fail - you'll fail plenty of times in your career and if you are not used to/ready for that, you are going to have some difficulties adjusting to failure.

    I think Covid has also made some people a lot more cautious and probably more pessimistic too - I know that has held me back much more in the last 18 months anyway.

    But with applications, my attitude is always "what have you got to lose?". At best its some of your time, which undoubtedly you actually have plenty of if this is a priority. You may lose some confidence along the way too if you do get rejections. However, that is a short term thing. Your confidence will build again with success, whether it is in law or outside of it, and particularly when you realise a legal career isn't the most important thing in the world.


    Distinguished Member
  • May 20, 2021
    Has anybody been in the position before where you literally cannot bring yourself to do applications (because you tell yourself you're not good enough/because you put yourself down/because you question whether you even want it enough - potentially an excuse) and then a whole cycle goes by and you have only done one and then get really upset with yourself and tell yourself you are not cut out to be a solicitor?! How do I break this?!

    Yep. I didn't apply in my second year of uni because I didn't think there was any point bc I wasn't good enough. To be honest, I still question whether or not there is any point now I'm graduating. I failed my A Levels after suffering from mental health issues (which I hate to disclose because I don't really believe firms when they say they care/won't view me differently, but can't not disclose because I didn't fail because I wasn't smart), I went to a very very low ranking University, and out of the few applications I have made I have been rejected.

    I want nothing more than to be a solicitor, but I am completely stuck in this impostor syndrome which I know is holding me back more than anything else.

    To second NCLaw, if anyone has advice on how to break this, I am all ears 😂


    Legendary Member
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    Dec 13, 2020
    Has anybody been in the position before where you literally cannot bring yourself to do applications (because you tell yourself you're not good enough/because you put yourself down/because you question whether you even want it enough - potentially an excuse) and then a whole cycle goes by and you have only done one and then get really upset with yourself and tell yourself you are not cut out to be a solicitor?! How do I break this?!
    I had this issue in my second, third and masters year at uni where at that time I did not feel cut out for the whole process as I didn't feel confident enough in myself. That whole period I would make one or two applications on a whim and then get really anxious at the end of the application period because I missed out on an entire year.

    I ultimately broke this cycle by taking some time out to think what I really wanted. In my second, third and masters years I was unsure whether I wanted to be a solicitor or a commercial solicitor at all, but having spent time time being a paralegal and having attended a lot of events with law firms, I realised more than ever that this is the career I want and gained an understanding what aspects about the career I enjoyed from my current paralegal role and that ultimately if I don't make time to apply it isn't going to happen for me.

    When I decided that a training contract IS going to happen for me, I had the confidence to preserve through rejections because I knew I learnt something from them or because I tried to view it was a practice round for when it was the time for me to be successful. At the end of the day, it is very possible to get a training contract with a full time job and as long as we want it, we can keep getting closer and closer to the goal with each cycle if unsuccessful. It isn't the end of the world if we don't get it the first time, second time or the third time, we can keep trying.

    So my advice would be assess your priorities and if this is what you want then keep going towards making it happen!
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