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  1. jess889


    Hey! Sorry to revive an old thread but is anyone else struggling to keep up with revision? There's so much to do and I feel so behind :(
  2. jess889


    Thank you, I hope so! I completely agree there is so much pressure. We've got to secure a really competitive job and have so little time to do it. I also find it hard not to be worried about being seen as a failure probably because I set up a lot of high expectations for myself. I think that...
  3. jess889


    Aw I needed this thank you! I feel really behind (trying to catch up with all my work) and everyone in law is obsessively talking about upcoming vacation schemes or training contract applications. I constantly feel like I'm not doing enough :(
  4. jess889

    Anyone else drowning?

    I thought this was going to be about drowning in applications! I think I will be in a couple of months :oops:
  5. jess889

    What podcasts do you listen to?

    Nice topic, I love podcasts - especially No such thing as a fish, Reply All, Hardcore History, radiolab (the older episodes) and Stuff you should know. Some of the ones you listed look interesting though :)
  6. jess889

    Ask me anything: Latham & Watkins trainee

    Hey Nicole thanks for doing this and for your honesty! Do you mind if I ask what you mean about not getting a chance to be a well-rounded person? Sorry if that's too personal!
  7. jess889

    Commercial News Update - March 2018

    That first one is really interesting! Germany recently introduced a hate speech law which is a little similar, but not quite as extreme. It fines social media sites for not removing 'obviously illegal' posts.
  8. jess889

    What firms did you interview at?

    Jones Day Travers Watson Farley & Williams
  9. jess889

    Jones Day

    My god this is incredible - thank you so much! I have to say that's both scared and reassured me hehe
  10. jess889

    Ask me anything: Future trainee at Clifford Chance

    Hiya :) That's interesting that you went from languages to law. Was that always the plan?
  11. jess889

    Magic circle v US law firms?

    +1. That article is interesting. Hours wise I think its going to be the same (and probably the silver circle too)
  12. jess889

    Ask me anything: Trainee at Morrison & Foerster

    Hey! Is it what you expected?
  13. jess889

    Jones Day

    Hey J, I have an upcoming scheme at jones day, I was wondering if you had any advice as I know you did a scheme there?

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