Thank you, I hope so! I completely agree there is so much pressure. We've got to secure a really competitive job and have so little time to do it. I also find it hard not to be worried about being seen as a failure probably because I set up a lot of high expectations for myself. I think that...
Aw I needed this thank you! I feel really behind (trying to catch up with all my work) and everyone in law is obsessively talking about upcoming vacation schemes or training contract applications. I constantly feel like I'm not doing enough :(
Nice topic, I love podcasts - especially No such thing as a fish, Reply All, Hardcore History, radiolab (the older episodes) and Stuff you should know. Some of the ones you listed look interesting though :)
Hey Nicole thanks for doing this and for your honesty! Do you mind if I ask what you mean about not getting a chance to be a well-rounded person? Sorry if that's too personal!
That first one is really interesting! Germany recently introduced a hate speech law which is a little similar, but not quite as extreme. It fines social media sites for not removing 'obviously illegal' posts.
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