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  1. L

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Hey - I'm not sure if there can be any advice or tips for this but I've realised I kinda struggle with meeting the word count on applications. I always go above it slightly and then have to cut down. There's nothing wrong with that but I was wondering if anyone has any tips, structures or things...
  2. L

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    I agree, thank you very much!!
  3. L

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    When answering a 'why this firm' question, is it better to state the name of a different firm or just say 'open day'. So 'I attended X's Open day in which …' or 'During an open day I …' I hope that makes some sense😂
  4. L

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    I just to the VI invite, roughly 1 week and two days after I passed the WG.
  5. L

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    I don't remember the exact time frame but I'm pretty sure it was no more than a week! Also doing summer, I think all their internships are for summer :)
  6. L

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Hey, I'm obviously not Andrei, so don't have to listen to me whatsoever! But I think I saw a similar question on the forum, and the answer was that it is highly encouraged to not use the same exact answer. Open days are way less competitive than VS, so what may have worked then may not work...
  7. L

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Hey hahaha, I still don't know but they did let me know I passed the test and are reviewing candidates so keep hopes up!
  8. L

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Well done!! Can I ask what office?
  9. L

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Just done the DLA Watson Glaser and I'm probably no going to pass onto the next stage, got opportunity for development in two areas. But to bring some hope, I don't think it was a very difficult test, I just needed to practice more, so if you've really been practicing it should be fine!
  10. L

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    any links to practices Watson Glaser? :)
  11. L

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Has anyone applied to DLA Manchester office? :)
  12. L

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Hi, this is great! I was wondering whether it would be possible to get any examples on the first application questions, I'm really struggling to fit two examples in 200 words. Thank you
  13. L

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Oh I didn't know that, thank you!!
  14. L

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    For the DLA application, since the word limit is quite low, did anyone use 1 example only or always 2 examples/reasons? Thank you!
  15. L

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    Latham & Watkins Open Day Invite, the fact we had to do a test, application questions and VI. I'm about to make the most out of this😂 In case anyone is wondering, got my invite today. For the test I got strengths in analytical/complex thinking and self motivation, weakness in effective...

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