This happened to my HL offer and I asked them about it, they responded that it was received (so I suppose they don't write back to confirm). But just to be sure you can write to them and ask. :)
I believe there definitely are more complex reasons and considerations, but as a Chinese national I suppose part of the reason might be that the political climate (which is extremely and increasingly unpredictable) and government goals can intervene with the regulations to a very large extent +...
I did an AC with Freshfields and they had an article based interview, here's my two cents :)
I'd say brush up on your business knowledge, i.e., not just current affairs/commercial news (these are very important too) but also how businesses function, improve performance and deal with...
Hi all!! Would really appreciate if you could offer some advice:
I've now received 2 summer vacation scheme offers from A and B and I have an upcoming interview next week with C (summer VS as well). C is running spring vacation scheme, would it be possible to ask them to transfer me onto the...
fact is that 99% of the people get PFOs (1% being those who apply to like 1 scheme and get an offer), even the BEST applicants - sometimes it's just that the firm doesn't think you'll fit to each other instead of seeing you as not good enough. The fact that you have an incoming interview is the...
it was pretty chill and the interviewers were really nice. Yes the case study was incorporated in the general interview, but it was very brief (10-15min).
Hi - can someone kindly advise me how long each of HSF's interviews lasts? I've seen people say 50min and others say 35min, getting really confused atm 🤣
I attended their AC last month for VS, by two interviews it means a general interview + SJT interview at the AC, each taking around 1h. There weren't any written assessments.
A bit random but just thought I'd share this with y'all prepping for ACs :) I personally found reading a firm's annual report pretty useful as it gives you a quick & good overview of the firm's performance, areas of focus and future development plans. Some firms even list out highlights...
Hi all, just curious if you receive a TC from a spring VS, typically when do you need to accept/decline it? I know TCs from some summer VS have a ddl of acceptance until mid September, just wondering if spring is the same
Hi all! Just curious if you can request changing the date of your vacation scheme (the firm runs two schemes over the summer) after signing the offer letter?
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