I think in the specific context of flagging offers to recruiters to express that you want to go to *this place,* sure - I did this recently with competing paralegal offers - but if it's just a LinkedIn posting you're not communicating that preference. Ultimately it probably doesn't have a huge...
Yes. Particularly worthwhile if you can substantially improve the application, but worthwhile in any case as you'll likely have no experiences and perspectives (which will themselves improve the application).
Like, firms give offers based off of pretty rigorous assessment of your suitability beyond academic performance. Anything short of abject failure or a general fall below their minimum standards shouldn't be catastrophic.
Jessica has treated this very thoroughly a number of times, but the short answer is - it varies hugely, as the reference group may be highly variable between firms.
Anecdotally, 80th and up is likely to be pretty good, 20th and under is likely to be pretty bad, anything in between really...
That last point is really interesting and relieving to hear - I've had a lot of anxiety looking at the direct cycle because most of the firms on my list I've never met, or only met in passing! Definitely will just be yoloing a few.
My wife hasn't sat the SQE1 yet but will have banked her QWE at the end of this year, with a view I believe to sitting 1 in autumn or winter and 2 in summer 2023.
The only really strict time component of the SQE is that you must have 2 years of qualifying work experience, whether that's a TC or one or more paralegal roles. Exactly when you sit the exams/do the prep courses isn't prescribed.
I think that's quite fair! I have a handful of specific practices I want to try my hand at during training, and only a handful of firms do all of those things so I suppose the field is already narrowed down for me - it was a bit myopic of me to forget that, for many applicants, their focus might...
Honestly I think practice goes a long way. When I got my Weil invite I was totally surprised and hadn't really thought about how to handle VIs, having not had any concrete expectation of getting through to that point. Taking a bit of a break from applications right now, but going into summer...
I've had similar thoughts and maybe you're being a bit tongue in cheek, but I'd strongly caution against that kind of thinking.
A certain kind of candidate with sterling academic credentials can get away with lacking sufficiently specific interest, or loosely bluffing through the process -...
I think there's a convention amongst city firms to give students quite a lot of time to accept or decline an offer - Jessica or Paul could better advise the specifics.
If you're a grad it might really depend on the firm.
I don't think that's consolidated anywhere - lots of firms will mention somewhere on their grad opps pages that they have 2023 availabilities, though even if they *don't* I've been told it's worth applying to 2024 and then having a conversation about moving the date up when/if you get the offer...
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