• Hey Guest, check out Andrei's new guide to building a winning law firm application strategy here. Good luck this cycle :)

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  1. J

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

    Yeah me too. Fingers crossed
  2. J

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

    I'm in the same position and a few others are too. Some have received a SJT, some haven't heard back. I haven't seen any PFOs on here currently. Maybe worth emailing grad rec for an update?
  3. J

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

    Can someone ask Stephenson Harwood the same question!
  4. J

    Stephenson Harwood VS 2023-2024

    haven't seen any PFOs atm so maybe they're going to send them out all at once?
  5. J

    Stephenson Harwood VS 2023-2024

    I think so too - annoying as I selected all 3, should've just selected WVS hahaha
  6. J

    Stephenson Harwood VS 2023-2024

    For WVS? Deadline was 23rd
  7. J

    Stephenson Harwood VS 2023-2024

    What day did you apply?
  8. J

    Stephenson Harwood VS 2023-2024

    You were right haha must be doing the tests/pfos in batches
  9. J

    Stephenson Harwood VS 2023-2024

    yeah they did, maybe they’re prioritising WVS (understandable). What did everyone else apply for?
  10. J

    Stephenson Harwood VS 2023-2024

    think i messed up because i selected all the dates to show my availability not realising its just gonna mean it'll complicate things hahah
  11. J

    Stephenson Harwood VS 2023-2024

    I’ve seen 2
  12. J

    Stephenson Harwood VS 2023-2024

    Good point, idk. But seeing as they’ve had a month to assess applications, maybe.
  13. J

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

    I’ve passed 3 VI and stumbled on all of them so I assume my content would’ve got me through. Bring a little nervous is a good sign to grad rec, shows you care. You’ll be fine :)
  14. J

    Winter, Spring and Summer Vacation Scheme Deadlines 2023-24 (with rolling/non rolling checklist!)

    not yet, applications close in early jan so still got a bit of time
  15. J

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

    Anyone heard back from Reed Smith?
  16. J

    Stephenson Harwood VS 2023-2024

    SJTs were sent out yday :(

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