• Hey Guest, check out Andrei's new guide to building a winning law firm application strategy here. Good luck this cycle :)

Search results

  1. Sulaiman

    possible 2:2 in first year, do i still apply for vac schemes in second year?

    Unfortunately, my personal tutor is not allowed to provide advice on the topic at hand and can only provide advice on the process. The resit would take place one month from now, August 12th and would just be an attempt at improving my contract % from a 47 to at least a 50. This would in turn...
  2. Sulaiman

    possible 2:2 in first year, do i still apply for vac schemes in second year?

    I am generally a very indecisive person but I want to become a solicitor down the line and surely resitting to get a 2.1 would help even if they do scrutinise it? Also, would I be worse off if I resat and got the same overall grade than if I didn't resit at all? I ask because I am uncertain on...
  3. Sulaiman

    possible 2:2 in first year, do i still apply for vac schemes in second year?

    Thank you very much for the honesty. I was genuinely very uncertain as to what I could possibly do in my position and had been debating taking the resit so that my average would be up to a 2:1, even if barely crossing the threshold - 67.1%, 53%, 55%, 55% 77.17%, 47%. I am still curious though...
  4. Sulaiman

    possible 2:2 in first year, do i still apply for vac schemes in second year?

    Hi, can I ask if my 59.27% average would be offputting for firms? I am unsure of whether I should apply to resit my worst module as I am panicking over whether firms will even bat an eye at me after I got a 47/100 for contract law. As it stands, i am at a 2:2 but in total i am 3 marks away from...

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