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TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

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Miss Chocolate

Legendary Member
Nov 27, 2023
No it’s called conducting due diligence😉 You’ll be a great lawyer!! But hopefully it’s not GR you’re contacting on LinkedIn, everyone else though it’s fair game to send a message to get insights into the firm - the worst they’ll do is ignore because they’re busy.
Okay, thank you for reassuring me 😭 one of the trainees told me to reach out to the HR person who deals with recruitment over LinkedIn but I ran out of personalised message quota so I sent a request to connect. But then I found a general email for the office and she got back to me through that. The application form for the Dubai office is the only link I have and one of the associates sent me a link to one of their new schemes and there was literally ZERO information about it anywhere on the website so me and the HR person exchanged a few emails about that. I also had questions relating to my eligibility for the scheme That's not an issue, right? I mean how else am I supposed to find out any info 😭😭😭


Legendary Member
Premium Member
Jan 28, 2021

I dedicated a month to research those firms in depth. Obviously a first-class law degree and experience are not sufficient for a two-week programme. I've decided to halt my efforts in pursuing further applications. The pattern has become all too familiar: no matter how far I progress, reaching the assessment centre stage seems to inevitably lead to rejection. It's disheartening to feel as though I'm not meeting the mark, regardless of my qualifications and dedication.

It's ironic that after dedicating six years to legal studies, the only employment opportunity I can secure is that of a sales assistant. Obv there's nothing wrong with this role, but it wasn't the intention behind pursuing a law degree.
Everyone’s also been ghosting me for paralegal positions, so I’ll do a big favour to myself and stop wasting more time because I already dedicated too much effort to a lost cause
First off, I don’t want to try and minimise how you’re feeling right now as I’ve had my fair share of post-AC rejections and know how much they suck.

You should know how impressive it is that you’ve reached 5 or 6 (perhaps more) ACs in one cycle. A lot of people would be happy to get just 1 and you’re consistently in the Top 10% of applicants. That should evidence that you’re more than capable, and I know you’ll get there eventually. I know it’s easy to get swept up in seeing friends or others on the forum get offers, and I’ve been guilty of comparing myself to them. However, there are people who’ll have been through 4, 5 or 6 cycles and still be in this predicament. The average age to qualify as a solicitor right now is 30, so even if it doesn’t feel like it, time is on your side.

In regards to the paralegal problem, I struggled for a few months post-graduation to secure a role. Like you, I got ghosted by 90% of places, who all wanted a year or so of experience. If you’re planning on taking a break for this cycle, after a few weeks (or however long you want to take), I would look again and try Flex Legal. They tend to offer paralegal opportunities and notify you of them. Alternatively, recruiters can sometimes be a good route to go down (and how I secured my position) as they of course get commission should you be successful, so it’s in their best interests.

Tonight though, just do something you enjoy and treat yourself. Take a break from the forum, applications and come back to it when you feel refreshed. You ought to be very proud of yourself and don’t forget that.


Star Member
Jul 6, 2023
really sorry to hear this, massive congrats for having even got an AC though! do you by any chance know whether they are running more ACs or whether they have sent out all the invites?
Hi, I’m not too sure as I got my AC invite through the lift off scheme, but when I was given the link to book it there were dates available for later in Feb such as the 23rd so I wouldn’t lose hope yet!


Active Member
Jan 23, 2024

I dedicated a month to research those firms in depth. Obviously a first-class law degree and experience are not sufficient for a two-week programme. I've decided to halt my efforts in pursuing further applications. The pattern has become all too familiar: no matter how far I progress, reaching the assessment centre stage seems to inevitably lead to rejection. It's disheartening to feel as though I'm not meeting the mark, regardless of my qualifications and dedication.

It's ironic that after dedicating six years to legal studies, the only employment opportunity I can secure is that of a sales assistant. Obv there's nothing wrong with this role, but it wasn't the intention behind pursuing a law degree.
Everyone’s also been ghosting me for paralegal positions, so I’ll do a big favour to myself and stop wasting more time because I already dedicated too much effort to a lost cause
I do not want to repeat anything everyone has already said, but because I did the same AC I just wanted to advise on how to come back from this.
You are great, I know you prepared a lot for it and you tried your best. No one is lying when they say it is competitive. I did the math (because I too needed reassurance), and just by making it to the AC you were among the top 5% (according to Chambers student) of applicants.
I have not received a call or an email from them yet, so take my advice with a pinch of salt lol, but I would take as much of a break as you need and then do a self-feedback form. When you feel ready again, jump back into it and work on your interview performance. It is probably not that you lack experience or skill, but rather your approach.
Remember you are good enough and a 'No' is not a 'Never'.


Active Member
Jan 23, 2024
When picking a news story to relate to a firm (in an interview), should I pick one that genuinely interests me and any suggestions and where I should source it from?
From my limited experience, I found that choosing one that I was genuinely interested in worked best. I spoke about the topic with finesse and was able to have a conversation with the interviewers about it which made my answer seem more genuine, I think.
I used ZipLaw, LittleLaw and LawCareers.Net (also BBC News)


Star Member
Junior Lawyer
Jan 2, 2024
PFO post-AC from Burness Paull!

A little disappointed as it's a top firm for me, but it also saves me having to pick which firm I do the summer VS with and so in a way it's a blessing! Have arranged a feedback call to learn more but it's all good. 2/3 ACs > VSs, now need to keep those odds going to turn 1 of those into a TC 🙏


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  • Jan 12, 2024
    It appears that my weakness has consistently been the case study interviews, though I believe I managed to navigate the one for HL quite well. Conversely, the situational interview was challenging since it was a new experience for me. I aimed for a structured approach, yet found myself rambling slightly despite my best efforts. The big problem is that I consistently reach the assessment centre stage and they reject me after that. It prompts me to wonder if the issue might lie with me...

    Many people who make it to assessment centres often secure at least a vacation scheme. It's not a lot to ask for; it's just two weeks of work experience.
    None of my ACs were perfect, but I thought they were good enough to get a vacation scheme 😫 i don’t know what to dooo
    With the case study, is it the knowledge of the content, or bringing in outside commercial awareness or something else?

    For the situational ones, had you planned the responses or were these ones you had to think of on the spot?

    What has been recommended to me with any sort of interview or conversation is to write down the questions ASAP so you don’t forget and then craft a response ready for the next one.
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