Imagine you’re sitting in an assessment centre, the clock ticking down. Your task? Advise the client on whether to keep a lucrative sponsorship deal or walk away before it damages their reputation. Oh, and you’ve got just under an hour to produce something coherent. The pressure is real.
That’s why we’ve created TCLA’s new Contract Law Written Exercise. We designed it to mirror the exact challenges you’ll face at top law firms: time pressure, tricky contractual language, and the need to give concise, commercial advice. You’ll take on the role of advising Greenwell Fitness, a fast-growing company struggling to manage a pricey sponsorship while expanding into new markets. You’ll wade through the key clauses, figure out where the risks lie, and explain your recommendations in a way your client will actually understand.
We crafted every piece of this exercise to help you practise what really counts. You won’t just learn to spot legal issues, you’ll learn to sift out what doesn’t matter and present your findings clearly and confidently. You’ll also learn how to juggle your client’s commercial concerns, like going public or protecting their premium reputation, without burying them in legal jargon.
This is what being a lawyer is all about: telling your client exactly what they need to know, in plain English, so they can make the right call for their business. At TCLA, we’ve seen what it takes to excel in these exercises and we want you to see it for yourself.
In a real firm, you don’t get second chances at these exercises. This time, you do. Let TCLA’s Contract Law Written Exercise give you the practice you need to walk into your next assessment with genuine confidence. We’ll see you on the other side, ready to tackle the toughest contract in the room.
How does it work?
- Follow the steps to buy this written exercise
- If you’d just like to complete the exercise and get the model answer, select ‘Exercise‘
- If you’d like line by line feedback the next working day, select ‘Exercise + Feedback‘
- In the order notes, mention the date/time you would like to complete the exercise (whether today or in the future!)
- You complete the written exercise in a 1 hour time slot
- You send it back to us for a copy of the model answer (if you selected Exercise + Feedback, you’ll also get detailed feedback on your answer)
Which law firms does this exercise suit?
This exercise suits all law firms as it’ll test your ability to demonstrate commercial and technical thinking.
Anonymous –
Feedback : Excellent
Great feedback as always. Addressed where I could improve and also how to do so. This is what has been most useful in improving my written exercise skills!