Secure a Training Contract with TCLA Premium

If you're serious about securing a training contract offer this year, this is the plan for you.

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This is your year to secure a training contract

You want to become a successful commercial lawyer. You want to secure a training contract at one of the largest law firms in the world.

What if I told you that your aspirations could become a reality this year? What if I told you that you could learn how to secure more interviews and vacation scheme offers this year?

TCLA Premium is everything we’ve learned about how to transform a promising aspiring lawyer into an exceptional candidate in a short space of time.

If you’re willing to put in the work, we’ll rapidly accelerate your journey to securing a training contract at your dream law firm this year. 

Why choose TCLA Premium?

We have been through the training contract process ourselves and we know what it takes to succeed. Most importantly, we've helped thousands of candidates secure their dream training contract, many of whom are now associates at the largest global law firms.

TCLA Premium is for you if:

  • You are struggling to make it past the application stage of law firms and you want to learn how to write applications that lead to interviews and how to pass the Watson Glaser test
  • You find law firm interviews challenging and you want to develop the skill of answering any question with ease and keeping calm under pressure
  • You are most concerned about your commercial awareness and want to develop exceptional business knowledge to impress graduate recruitment and partners in your interviews and case studies
  • You worry that you aren’t good enough and you want to know how to present your grades and experiences to excel in this process

Answer any commercial awareness question
Handle commercial and case study interviews at the leading law firms with ease.

Secure more interviews and vacation scheme offers
Learn how to identify the differences between law firms and stand out in your applications.

Craft your application strategy for success
Structure your application strategy so you maximise your chances of a training contract.

Score the highest markets in law firm assessments
Practise written assessments, video interviews and learn how to master the Watson Glaser test.

Turn away vacation scheme offers this year

Get past the application stage this year. We get you there through a 4 month application bootcamp of live teaching, goal tracking and firm-specific workshops - included as part of Gold.

The purpose of the programme is to get you interviews! Our measure of success from our live training, small group accountability workshops and coworking sessions is whether you come out of this programme with law firm interviews.

Write more applications to law firms than you believed was possible. Our bootcamp has been designed to help you work on the most important goal: writing applications to law firms you are interested in.

Get access to exactly what you need to know about the law firm process. No more feeling lost or overwhelmed or not knowing what you’re missing out. If you’re working full time or studying, this bootcamp will tell you exactly what you need to know to make progress.

Have unique reasons for applying to commercial law firms and for wanting to become a commercial lawyer. We’ve reviewed 5,000 law firm applications. We’ll show how to write your work experience, sell yourself in your cover letter and answer law firm commercial questions so you stand out.

Kickstart your journey to securing a training contract today

Join TCLA Premium today and rapidly increase your success this cycle

Write Applications That Lead To Interviews

We teach you how to get through the application stage of law firms. You will learn how to justify your motivations, sell your experiences and present your story on paper.

Use our application tracker to structure your approach this cycle and access our database of over 600 successful applications and cover letters to the leading global law firms.

Get your application reviewed by the TCLA team in just 1 working day. You’ll receive detailed feedback, actionable insights, line-by-line recommended improvements and advice on how to sell yourself and stand out from thousands of other applications.

Level Up Your Commercial Awareness

Access our live training to level up your understanding of the business world, from financial metrics to investment banking. 

Join our Commercial Awareness Office Hours, a live training programme that is designed to take anyone, no matter your skill level right now, and put you in a position to answer any commercial question in an interview. We cover everything from the commercial topics you should know for your interviews to M&A, finance and understanding the City. The topics we cover are based on real law firm interview questions for the 2024 application cycle.

You will also get the confidence to excel in case study interviews. Through our technical case study courses, you will practise answering real law firm interview questions and improve at thinking on your feet and keeping calm under pressure.

Differentiate Law Firms

You want a deep-rooted understanding of what makes a law firm unique that you can showcase in your applications and interviews.

You’ll understand a firm’s strategy and what makes it different from its competitors. You’ll be able to handle questions about a law firm’s business model and share your perspective on its plan for the future.

In our breakdowns of over 40 leading global law firms, we:

  • Dive into the law firm’s financial figures
  • Examine the global structure of each law firm
  • Identify what makes the law firm different from its nearest competitors
  • Bring you up to date with the latest changes in 2024

Prepare for Law Firm Interviews

Fine-tune your interview technique, boost your self-belief and learn how to embrace your one chance to impress. Using our knowledge database and sector insight, we tailor our mock interviews to the style, content, and approach of the specific law firm you’re applying to.

Test your interview abilities in real time and field challenging questions from real training contract interviews. You’ll receive actionable feedback from our team, both in real-time and as a written summary for your future reference.

Get tailored support

Through our bite-sized lectures and interactive quizzes, we help you to develop the skills you need to secure a training contract.

You will learn from future and current trainees, associates, and partners about a vast range of topics that will help you stand out among other candidates, from mergers and acquisitions to private equity.

Plus, get access to in-person and online 1-2-1 advice sessions and an exclusive live chat with the TCLA team.

Beat the Watson Glaser Test

Our course helps you to raise your score on the Watson Glaser test, taught by someone who scored in the 99th percentile.

If you know how to write great applications but fall short of passing the test, this course is for you. Get exceptional training and approach your next Watson Glaser test with confidence.

You’ll develop strategies to discern between correct and incorrect answers. You’ll learn exactly what each section is looking for. You’ll discover how to balance speed and accuracy and score above the required threshold.

Real training contract offers from TCLA Premium

Thank you so much for coming to Bristol on the 10th December. I really enjoyed your presentation and meeting you in person. You are a huge inspiration to me as you’re not only a successful law applicant but an entrepreneur with a social purpose. You and the TCLA team help so many people – it is unbelievable. I hope the TCLA project expands in the future and fulfils your dreams. The TCLA community has been THE MOST supportive thing out there for me during my time in Law School (and it should help during my job hunt after graduation). 


Thanks for all the help, wouldn’t have got to this stage without you helping to get my application perfect!

I got it! Received a call yesterday with very positive feedback! I’m sooooooo happy! Thank you Jaysen!

I wanted to let you know that I secured a TC with [redacted]. Thank you again for all your help and support.

The assessment day went really well and I got a training contract offer on the same day! Just wanted to say thank you so much for the helpful feedback and advice!


You are the only person that has actually made me feel confident about my application technique and that with a few adjustments I may stand a chance of a vacation scheme with a firm I would really like to be at – thank you for that!

The way you word your advice comes across as friendly and helpful, as opposed to some who have come across as quite patronising and made me feel like I shouldn’t even bother submitting the application. I am currently sitting for the LPC and haven’t, as of yet, completed a vacation scheme with any firm. Your feedback has given me the confidence that I need to understand that my experience thus far is enough. Thank you again!


I just wanted to tell you that I have just been called by [redacted] and they offered me a training contract directly, without needing to go through their vacation scheme!! 

I wanted to thank you for your help, the mock interview really made me feel so much more confident and definitely contributed to my success during the interview! 

…You are truly an amazing person and everybody can see your passion for helping other students get into their dream firm! 

Thank you again!


Thanks for your help with the practice interview, and to let you know that I got the [redacted] training contract! I’m really, really pleased (and relieved!), after so many rejections and years of applying it feels great and I’m so happy I pushed through and persevered. Honestly, I couldn’t care less about rejections now! 



Just wanted to thank you for creating TCLA – it’s been an incredible help throughout the law application process. A year and a half ago, I knew nothing about a legal career and felt incredibly daunted even going into a City law firm. Numerous rejections later and I’ve now secured two vacation schemes – still not sure how I’ve done it, but without all of the invaluable resources provided by TCLA I wouldn’t have stood a chance! Just wanted to tell you to keep on doing what you’re doing and changing lives! 


I just wanted to drop a thank you for your hard work over the last couple of months, and over the course of my application journey. I remember submitting a series of applications for review for my first-year schemes where I achieved some, but not widespread success. You were able to guide me in the right direction and I really worked hard to improve my applications. 

This year, you have provided invaluable feedback once again. Of the 9 applications I have submitted, 7 have been successful in passing the sift. I have gotten 2 vacation schemes lined up for the summer, and have a further 3 ACs lined up to fill whatever space I have left! I have even had to turn some WG’s/AC’s down.

…I wanted to extend my thanks and gratitude. There is absolutely no way I would have achieved this if it were not for your assistance. Looking back at my initial applications, they were awful! You have been instrumental in my success. 


I’ve applied to 6 law firms and all 6 have invited me to an interview! Again I know that my applications were all strong because of TCLA!! So thank you so much! 


The new premium content is brilliant. Arun-Sohan Pall’s discussion on substantive and procedural commercial awareness is the sort of insight you don’t see elsewhere. TCLA provide the best combination of tools and knowledge to equip the next generation of lawyers on the market, and I want to thank you for that!


I got a vacation scheme offer from [redacted]!!! Honestly I cannot thank you enough for all the help you and the TCLA team have given me. The confidence I got from the practice interview really helped with my actual interviews and the areas that I improved from your feedback were ones that the interviewer seemed really impressed with. TCLA has helped a ridiculous amount with my commercial awareness. I never felt confident answering commercial awareness questions until I found your page and it is the reason I failed at so many interviews in the past. As you know I literally gave up on the hope of getting any offers this year. I genuinely could not have done this without your help and cannot express how grateful I am to you.

Keep doing what you are doing! 


I have been offered a TC by [redacted]! I am absolutely overjoyed and cannot thank both you and TCLA enough for all the support through this process. Without the TCLA scholarship, I genuinely would not have been able to secure this training contract, as not only did it allow me to really get to grips with commercial topics, it also helped alleviate a lot of the stress that came with being someone who had no prior contact with law at all. 

Thank you once more for everything, I really do appreciate everything that you do on your amazing platform.


Thank you for all the amazing work you have and are doing. I saw your genuine interest and effort into helping me when you kindly interviewed me for [redacted] and this has been showcased throughout all the services that TCLA offers. Honestly, hats off to what the platform has become – I am rooting for you to transform the TCLA into a law school (fingers crossed)!


I want to thank you for TCLA’s amazing support throughout my journey towards the training contract. In June, I signed my contract with my dream firm from the very beginning [redacted]  – for a training contract starting [redacted] and could not be more grateful for everything TCLA has done for me in the past year.  

Starting off with your truly outstanding webinars…and the fantastic M&A Bootcamp, which taught me so many new concepts and changed the way of approaching M&A scenarios; then, once working on my training contract application, TCLA helped me throughout all stages on the way. Rachel reviewed my application, I received helpful feedback on my practice video interviews, Arun prepared me for the case study interview during the assessment centre and you, Jaysen, offered valuable words of advice on the forum/chat. Most importantly, though, the supportive forum community you have established and grown has made this whole process a lot more bearable. Random people congratulating, answering questions, caring for each other – this is so special and I hope you will all continue this truly remarkable work. 


Last week, after three years of applying for vacation schemes and training contracts without so much as a video interview invite,  I secured a training contract with [redacted] after my first ever assessment centre! 

I’m slightly in awe: as a non-law, international student from a non-Russell group university, I assumed that there was absolutely no way that a major law firm would ever consider my application. 

I’ve used TCLA for every step of the application process, and it’s absolutely made the difference. The crash-course on the Watson Glaser has since helped me get through nine different critical thinking tests, and the application database was so helpful in understanding the subtle differences between each firm. 

The most significant help was a chance for a free mock interview in June: Mahesh was a fantastic interviewer and his feedback made me incredibly confident going into my interviews. 

The week before my assessment centre, I ran through the TCLA Gold’s M&A Bootcamp and the other case studies available on the site which really helped me understand how to approach the case study and written exercise portions of the day. 

…I’m really grateful to have had such an incredible and reliable resource to turn to when I was feeling discouraged or ready to give up.


A few months ago I secured a training contract with [redacted]! 

I have been applying for training contracts to no avail for about three years but then came across TCLA about a year ago. The commercial awareness updates you run helped me massively with topics I previously struggled to get my head around. A week before my assessment centre I then signed up to TCLA Premium (to be honest I should have signed up much sooner). I took a week off work and spent the entire time pouring over the content. 

It was hands down the best decision…I recommended TCLA to those pursuing training contracts before securing my training contract and continue to do so now!  



So [redacted] got back to me a lot sooner than expected and they offered me a training contract!!! 

After 3 cycles I’m still in disbelief but I’m very happy.

I also wanted to say a big thank you to both of you for all your help! It’s been a long 3 years and I’ve had moments where I’ve felt like the training contract would never happen but TCLA has been a huge help in keeping me going. I honestly don’t think I would be in this position without you guys…I’m a non-law graduate with no contacts in the industry so TCLA’s courses, newsletters and training sessions have been invaluable. 


I cried for hours earlier tonight because I cannot believe what had happened. Today, I got offered a training contract from [redacted]. I’m still trying to process it all – I’ve been overwhelmed with emotions! 

When I started this journey in search of a training contract, I had no clue what I was doing. And that was very clear. I never got past the application stage and I could never tell what I was doing wrong, especially as no feedback was given. It was only with your help this cycle that I started to see results…Your mock interviews truly prepared me for [my interviews]. 

On top of this, I thank you for creating the TCLA community. The people there are incredibly nice and always willing to help and give advice. I don’t think I would have ever made it without your help. This all feels very surreal and I cannot believe that I have done it. I cannot thank you enough for how much you have helped me through this rollercoaster of a journey.



I have just received a training contract offer from [redacted] (my dream firm) and I just wanted to write to you to say a big THANK YOU for creating this platform and being so supportive. 

Before this cycle, I was very lost with my applications and did not really know what I was doing wrong. In retrospect, I didn’t know that much about what makes a good application and commercial awareness seemed like a scary and unattainable concept. Throughout this year, I did your courses, read discussions, aside questions, wrote applications, started reading FT news and suddenly it all started fitting together and I was even praised for my commercial awareness…

This platform gave me the confidence that I can do this (even through I probably did not believe it until it actually happened) and the power to push through the months of applications and interviews. 

I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate what you are doing. I appreciate what you are doing. I realise that this is not just the work of one person and the strength of TCLA lies in the community of incredibly supportive and ambitious people. 

When I initially saw the case study I was a little bit scared. It looked quite complicated and like something I wouldn’t be able to answer. Jaysen and Alice encouraged us to say what we think as “we will only get marked on what we say”. This gave me the confidence to communicate my thoughts in a safe environment. I tried my best to incorporate my feedback from my last session which I also found extremely helpful. I really enjoyed how relatable Jaysen and Alice made the case study. I know with practice and the guidance of Alice and Jaysen, I will continue to making progress and hopefully learn to articulate my ideas better/

I just wanted to say that I had my [redacted] assessment centre today and just found that I got a training contract on the same day! I honestly couldn’t have done it without the TCLA courses, especially the virtual sessions, case studies and the mock interviews with Arun – all are such valuable services and you offer a fantastic platform for aspiring lawyers! 


I still can’t believe that I’m typing this, but I’m so happy to have accepted a training contract at an international firm that feels so right for me! 

…Whilst I worked incredibly hard to get here – spending time self-reflecting on my skills and increasing my commercial awareness, it wouldn’t have been possible at all without this community. You guys made me feel so much less alone in this process, and the support you provide to others is invaluable. I’m heavily indebted to TCLA. Jaysen, thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating this platform, and thank you to all the heart for creating this platform, and thank you to all the amazing people who contribute and make it what it is. Without you guys I wouldn’t be here. 


You probably don’t remember but in March this year we had a mock interview for my vacation scheme interview with [redacted]. Fast forward to last week (and I cannot believe I am typing this), I received a training contract offer!!! As an international student from a non-RG university, this seemed like a very unrealistic dream a couple of years ago. 

I wanted to thank you and say how grateful I am for all of the help I have received from the TCLA community. I would not have been here if it wasn’t for all the advice, guides and seminars you have put together. Not to mention the helpful threads on the forum. You have truly changed my life! 


The interview prep provided was very useful and tailored to my situation. The process of helping me improve on my answers and picking holes in my examples definitely helped me secure a TC. Hands down the best interview prep I have received and will definitely be referring people to do the same!


I am incredibly proud of, and inspired by what you are building with TCLA. 

I have periodic calls with students applying for vacation schemes and training contracts and TCLA constantly comes up as a community and platform that has become a lifeline for so many students in the challenging journey towards the career of their dreams. 

…I know you have only just begun and there’s so much greatness ahead for you and fr TCLA. I am excited for you.

Well done Jaysen and thank you for all that you do to make a difference! 


I recently heard back from [redacted] following my assessment centre with them. They rejected me. Their feedback essentially said ‘had you applied for a vacation scheme this would’ve been a different conversation’ (since I applied for a direct training contract). 

As disheartening as that was, I just wanted to express my immense gratitude to TCLA for making me feel ‘normal’ and helping me come to terms with the fact that this process really isn’t fair. After listening to graduate recruitment’s feedback on each part of the assessment centre, it is safe to say that one of the best decisions I ever made was booking a mock interview with Arun. The weekly newsletters and the chat function have been tremendously helpful and encouraging since I joined TCLA in August 2020. 

Despite this being my first assessment centre and not having any other invites to interviews/assessment centres at present, I know that there is light at the end of the tunnel, all thanks to you guys.

Thank you once again for all that you do. I’m sure I speak for a lot of people when I say this, but it really is the reason a lot of us are (or at least I am) still standing.

I can’t wait for the day I email you to say that I have been made an offer!


I have recently received a training contract offer from [redacted] and will be accepting the offer. 

…TCLA has undoubtedly been instrumental in allowing me to unlock my true potential and iron out deficiencies in my all-round approach to the training contract process that had been holding me back for years. 

I could not be happier with the service I have received and it is the best money I have ever spent. Thank you for your relentless efforts to continuously provide such a first-class service that really does have the capability to change lives.


Thank you for everything you are doing at TCLA. I used your application review service for my recent application to [redacted] and, a couple of weeks ago, they called to let me know I got the training contract! 

The review had a huge, direct impact on my application. Jaysen’s comments were so incisive and I was able to totally reconfigure my personal statement using his feedback. By the time I sent off my statement, I felt like it was selling me in the most effective way possible, which gave me confidence going into later stages in the process. 

However, the application review is only one of many ways in which TCLA has been beneficial to me this year. Since last summer, I have been watching your webinars – they are easily the most pragmatic and genuinely helpful that I’ve attended. More recently, I used your online course materials and found the Watson Glaser prep course especially useful. I have also dipped my toe into the forum and been so impressed by the friendliness and willingness to help of all its members. 


I wanted to share with you that I was successful in the partner interview and I have been offered a training contract for [redacted]. I’m over the moon! 

I wanted to thank you wholeheartedly for your help this year. You have been instrumental in shaping my understanding of the recruitment process as well as honing my commercial awareness throughout. I definitely became a better candidate thanks to TCLA! 

I loved the session with you and Alice. As a teacher myself, I was really impressed by how well structured and how encouraging you were. The questions you had prepared for us were wide-ranging both in terms of the difficulty level as well as the actual approach to the subject itself. As such, the session was challenging without being overwhelming and highly engaging. The fact that we then received a report of our performance and a summary of the topic itself is just incredible! 


Following my virtual vacation scheme I have been offered a training contract at [redacted] and I know this would not have been possible without the help of TCLA. Thank you so so much!!!

You have created such a wonderful space for aspiring lawyers to interact amongst each other, and I have really appreciated the support that everyone has offered me throughout my first application cycle. The resources you have created (particularly the 175+ questions bank) was immensely helpful, and I cannot thank you enough for the time you have invested in this website. Thank you again! 


…TCLA has helped me boundlessly in my search for a training contract. The online courses and weekly newsletters were instrumental in building my commercial awareness and confidence for tackling assessment centres. They are interesting, accessible and extremely useful…

Jaysen, you have been an incredible and generous point of contact for me since I started searching for a career in law. Your advice has been invaluable and I seriously cannot thank you enough. Your practice interviews were vital for learning the process and how to make the most of my experiences…

The community you have developed on the TCLA forum is unique…To have the input from a graduate recruitment specialist is so constructive; Jessica is always on hand with important advice and support. The same goes for Daniel and Alice whose experiences and advice I always find comforting and informative. 

The work you are doing is unbelievable and there is nothing better than seeing TCLA grow and succeed in such an outstanding way…

I cannot thank you and tell you how much I appreciate everything you have done for me enough.


I just have to thank you for TCLA. It is undoubtedly the best service on offer for this process, and I would wholeheartedly recommend premium to anyone making the same journey as myself. Over the summer, I spent hours upon hours studying TCLA’s premium content. The law firm profiles were invaluable in terms of finding truly differentiating features between firms. I would also highlight the ‘Mastering the City’, ‘TCLA to TC’ and ‘The Interviewees’ Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions’ courses insofar as they provide expert advice in a very manageable form. Finally, the application review service gave me the confidence that I can write cogently and convincingly. 

So really, all I need to say is, PLEASE keep doing what you’re doing! I know it will change the lives of so many more people.

Starting the journey towards securing a training contract is scary because I did not know what to expect. I want to take time out to thank both of you for your extreme efforts to make the process a lot easier. It provided me with an insight into what I could expect at an assessment centre. Also, it made me realise how I can utilise my time further during the lockdown to increase my commercial awareness. The sessions enable me to apply my prior knowledge to scenarios and develop my team working skills virtually. It is incredibly useful receiving a guide after the session summarising the key points. It meant I could concentrate during the sessions and have a guide to look over and further my understanding to help me prepare for the real thing. I love hearing both of your experiences, especially Alice’s, regarding interviews and appreciate how you both provide tips throughout the sessions. Once again, Thank you!

I honestly never thought this moment would happen to me – I’ve watched so many other people get training contracts, but I never quite believed in myself. I’ve had countless rejections, countless moments where I’ve wondered if I’m good enough – and I can honestly say that I could not have gotten this training contract offer without the support, guidance, and training that I’ve received over the past few years from TCLA. 

…TCLA’s premium courses gave me such a confidence boost in terms of my commercial knowledge, your application reviews were so helpful, and the whole forum is such an important resource for aspiring lawyers. The free webinars have also been invaluable, I have just learnt SO much that you can’t find anywhere else other than through TCLA. Also, booking a mock interview with Arun was one of the best decisions I made. I knew I needed to practice handling tough commercial questions – and he provided so much constructive feedback and reassurance. 

…TCLA is honestly helping people to realise their dreams – I truly hope you know the immense impact you have had on people’s lives by having created TCLA. you’ve made my dream career path possible for me, and I am incredibly grateful to you for that…


I cannot believe I get to write this but I got a training contract at [redacted]. I really couldn’t have done any of this without you and the TCLA community. You really helped me identify where I needed to focus on and how to approach all the different stages with confidence. On several occasions, you went above and beyond a subscription service and I am SO thankful for that and all the time you have dedicated to helping me. I literally went from nothing to 4 vacation scheme offers, then to a training contract and having to turn down interviews. That is literally insane! I just feel really grateful to you and the TCLA community. 


Arun took time to understand my up to date experiences and then tailored the interview to my needs and worries. I was glad that it wasn’t about answering preset questions but rather about getting deep into issues I could encounter in the real interview; it helped me to gain the confidence I needed! Thank you.


I got the phone call from [redacted] this morning and I got offered the training contract! Still feel like I’m dreaming, I’ve checked my call log about 100 times. 

Thank you so much for all the hard work that you’ve put into TCLA – giving me the opportunity to be brand ambassador last year has opened so many doors for me and made me believe that I was capable of becoming a commercial lawyer. TCLA premium was absolutely key to my success, I spent so long on the site this summer and it gave me everything I needed for the vacation scheme. 

…I can’t wait to see TCLA go far! 


I received and accepted a training contract offer from [redacted] today! 

Just wanted to thank you for creating TCLA and providing a platform where people can improve their applications and commercial awareness! 

I don’t think I would have gotten a training contract offer without TCLA and definitely hope TCLA can become a school in the future! 


I’m delighted to share with you that I received a TC offer at [redacted] in London that evening! 

…I just wanted to send a huge thank you your way for every ounce of help you’ve provided along the way, especially for your first-rate application reviews.

TCLA really is an incredible platform, right through from the weekly commercial awareness updates to the extremely insightful content you’ve created within the Premium service. It’s been a genuine pleasure to watch the company grow…There truly is no other service on the market that comes close to what you’ve built, and I will without question continue to recommend TCLA to anyone looking to stand out in such a competitive recruitment cycle. 


I am absolutely buzzing to let you know I’ve been offered a training contract offer with [redacted] (and an assessment centre still pending with [redacted] in February)!

Thank you for believing in me! 

I cannot wait to see where TCLA will go in the coming years and I hope to contribute as much as possible to the platform…


I’m so happy to say that following my vacation scheme with [redacted], I have been offered a training contract with the firm! 

I was awarded a TCLA scholarship this year and it has been so so helpful when preparing for my vacation scheme and increasing my commercial awareness. I really couldn’t have done it without your resources/workshop/courses and I am so grateful! 


[Redacted] offered me a training contract on Friday!!!

Going from CCD with no mitigating circumstances to receiving 4 vacation scheme offers and now a training contract offer is a story that I definitely want heard. This is especially the case because I ALWAYS hear stories about people who doubt whether they can make it in this field because their A-Level grades aren’t great and/or they went to a non-Russell group uni, so I am definitely happy for it to be posted in hopes of inspiring those people.

The fact that I am going to be a trainee in 4 months as well makes this even crazier! 

As you know, my journey has been a rollercoaster, so I can’t even put my excitement into words right now. I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you because this would not have been possible without all of your help! 


I have received 2 training contract offers from [redacted]. I am truly grateful to the TCLA community and you. From being chosen as one of the commercial news writers to practising with Arun for both the vacation scheme and training contract interview, TCLA truly has been indispensable to my training contract journey and personal development. I remember the many calls I had with you during those “office” hours and all the encouragement you gave me.


I feel it incumbent on me to let you know how thankful I am for TCLA’s excellent service. 

Today I’ve just been offered a training contract by [redacted] and I will certainly be accepting. However, this task has been made substantially easier by the service that TCLA offers,

Just to give you some context, back in January I had an assessment centre for a vacation scheme at [redacted] and it went terribly. I just froze in the interview, having no idea what all the technical jargon on the case study meant. I was hugely disappointed, but I dusted myself off and carried on…Rather speculatively, I decided to apply for a training contract at [redacted], got the interview, and somehow secured the training contract. 


Membership Plans

  • Bronze

  • Our standard membership plan includes all of our courses, profiles & applications
  • £40/ month
  • 600+ Application database of successful past applications and cover letters
  • 150+ Interview database of law firm interview questions
  • Access to all 19 self-paced courses, including applications, law firm profiles, interviews, the Watson Glaser test & commercial awareness
  • This is a monthly recurring membership. Cancel anytime.
  • Join now

Longer Term Discounts

  • 6 Months of Bronze

  • Our standard membership plan includes all of our courses, profiles & applications
  • £30/ month
  • Billed bi-annually (save £60)
  • This is a monthly recurring membership. Cancel anytime.
  • Join Now
  • 6 Months of Gold

  • Our most comprehensive membership includes EVERYTHING in Bronze, plus our personal support
  • £45/ month
  • Billed bi-annually (save £90)
  • This is a monthly recurring membership. Cancel anytime.
  • Join Now

100% Money Back Guarantee

TCLA Premium is our platform to help you get you to where you want to be. We’ve poured our time and love into making sure it’s as valuable as we can make it.

But it only works for us if you do actually get value from it.

So, if you aren’t happy within the first 30 days, drop us an email to [email protected]. We’ll give you an immediate refund.
