Mock Interview

The perfect preparation for your next vacation scheme or training contract interview.

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We design our Mock Interviews to convert your law firm interview into an offer

The goal of our Mock Interview service is to convert your vacation scheme or training contract interview into an offer.

Our Mock Interview service is completely bespoke to the law firm you are interviewing with. We use our data and experience to provide you with a practise interview that will help you to simulate your real interview as closely as possible.

Knowledge is a small aspect of what is needed to excel at interview. Your ability to respond to challenging questions, demonstrate your commercial awareness, and present yourself under pressure is what distinguishes one candidate from another. We will show you how to do this.

We believe anyone can be trained to perform exceptionally well at interview. You can trust us to prepare you for the real thing.

In the 2023/24 cycle, 92% of candidates have rated our mock interview service a 10/10.

What our interviewees have said...

This is one of the most useful sessions i’ve ever attended. it was great to see how we, the participants, would initially answer and then get the more ‘refined’ feedback and sample answers. this was extremely helpful and really helped me be able to understand what to think about. I would attend this session weekly if it was offered. thank you for continuing to provide such excellent services.


Not only was this packed with FANTASTIC information but it was also delivered by those who have walked the path. I am very inspired! Thank you!


Shahana was super helpful! The specific feedback was really useful and I am very glad she nitpicks because it allows me to go into my AC with a very strong understanding of how to deliver a good performance.


I have just received a training contract offer from [redacted] (my dream firm) and I just wanted to write to you to say a big THANK YOU for creating this platform and being so supportive. 

Before this cycle, I was very lost with my applications and did not really know what I was doing wrong. In retrospect, I didn’t know that much about what makes a good application and commercial awareness seemed like a scary and unattainable concept. Throughout this year, I did your courses, read discussions, aside questions, wrote applications, started reading FT news and suddenly it all started fitting together and I was even praised for my commercial awareness…

This platform gave me the confidence that I can do this (even through I probably did not believe it until it actually happened) and the power to push through the months of applications and interviews. 

I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate what you are doing. I appreciate what you are doing. I realise that this is not just the work of one person and the strength of TCLA lies in the community of incredibly supportive and ambitious people. 


I have learned so much and feel more confident not only with interviews/AC but also commercially focused questions on applications.


Mahesh has been absolutely fantastic. I have been having weekly interviews with him in preparation for Winter Vacation Schemes and Training Contract interviews. He has been incredibly invested in my process, is extremely friendly and approachable and more importantly went above and beyond to help me secure my training contract. Thank you very much Mahesh!


[Redacted] offered me a training contract on Friday!!!

Going from CCD with no mitigating circumstances to receiving 4 vacation scheme offers and now a training contract offer is a story that I definitely want heard. This is especially the case because I ALWAYS hear stories about people who doubt whether they can make it in this field because their A-Level grades aren’t great and/or they went to a non-Russell group uni, so I am definitely happy for it to be posted in hopes of inspiring those people.

The fact that I am going to be a trainee in 4 months as well makes this even crazier! 

As you know, my journey has been a rollercoaster, so I can’t even put my excitement into words right now. I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you because this would not have been possible without all of your help! 

One of the best interactive sessions I have attended by far. Closely simulates a real assessment environment with regards to the structure, the content and the questions asked. Even though I found it challenging, I learnt a lot and it gave me confidence to face and prepare for my real upcoming assessments. This is a perfect way to prepare for interviews and case studies going forward and the membership is worth every penny! Jaysen and Alice provide the perfect balance between them while both providing informative information and personal advice to takeaway from the session. One piece of constructive feedback is that I wish the sessions were either longer or slightly smaller groups as I didn’t want it to end.
Loved how intimate the sessions were and how interactive it was. I thought we’d mainly be listening and taking notes but it was the opposite which meant I gained way more out of the session than expected! It was by far the most useful workshop I’ve ever attended (online and offline). I can’t fault it at all. The only thing I would say is that I wish it ran on longer, only because I was really enjoying it and wanted it to continue. Also, please keep doing more of these!!

Just wanted to reach out and personally thank you for the invaluable work you do running and coordinating TCLA. After a string of unsuccessful apps last year, I put my head down this summer and started working more systematically towards achieving a vac scheme offer (a methodological approach really is the key here isn’t it). TCLA has been absolutely central in that process and I’m now so pleased to say I’ve been offered a place on a VS at a silver circle firm this summer.

I know you probably hear from people about this all the time, but it feels important to tell you the time and energy you have spent on your business has definitely contributed to changing my trajectory in such a hugely positive way. There’s no small way of properly saying thank you so much for that.


I still can’t believe that I’m typing this, but I’m so happy to have accepted a training contract at an international firm that feels so right for me! 

…Whilst I worked incredibly hard to get here – spending time self-reflecting on my skills and increasing my commercial awareness, it wouldn’t have been possible at all without this community. You guys made me feel so much less alone in this process, and the support you provide to others is invaluable. I’m heavily indebted to TCLA. Jaysen, thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating this platform, and thank you to all the heart for creating this platform, and thank you to all the amazing people who contribute and make it what it is. Without you guys I wouldn’t be here. 


Just wanted to thank you for creating TCLA – it’s been an incredible help throughout the law application process. A year and a half ago, I knew nothing about a legal career and felt incredibly daunted even going into a City law firm. Numerous rejections later and I’ve now secured two vacation schemes – still not sure how I’ve done it, but without all of the invaluable resources provided by TCLA I wouldn’t have stood a chance! Just wanted to tell you to keep on doing what you’re doing and changing lives! 


The interview prep provided was very useful and tailored to my situation. The process of helping me improve on my answers and picking holes in my examples definitely helped me secure a TC. Hands down the best interview prep I have received and will definitely be referring people to do the same!


I am incredibly proud of, and inspired by what you are building with TCLA. 

I have periodic calls with students applying for vacation schemes and training contracts and TCLA constantly comes up as a community and platform that has become a lifeline for so many students in the challenging journey towards the career of their dreams. 

…I know you have only just begun and there’s so much greatness ahead for you and fr TCLA. I am excited for you.

Well done Jaysen and thank you for all that you do to make a difference! 


I cried for hours earlier tonight because I cannot believe what had happened. Today, I got offered a training contract from [redacted]. I’m still trying to process it all – I’ve been overwhelmed with emotions! 

When I started this journey in search of a training contract, I had no clue what I was doing. And that was very clear. I never got past the application stage and I could never tell what I was doing wrong, especially as no feedback was given. It was only with your help this cycle that I started to see results…Your mock interviews truly prepared me for [my interviews]. 

On top of this, I thank you for creating the TCLA community. The people there are incredibly nice and always willing to help and give advice. I don’t think I would have ever made it without your help. This all feels very surreal and I cannot believe that I have done it. I cannot thank you enough for how much you have helped me through this rollercoaster of a journey.



Just wanted to say thank you for everything! Last year, at this time, all I had was the resources available on TCLA. I didn’t feel confident in myself but stuck to the advice. I reached out to others to network, used the vac interview prep resources and started to follow commercial news more rigorously. Literally, this time last year!

Now I have a training contract offer and I’m getting to start the career I’ve always wanted but never believed I was capable of. Thank you for everything!


I just wanted to tell you that I have just been called by [redacted] and they offered me a training contract directly, without needing to go through their vacation scheme!! 

I wanted to thank you for your help, the mock interview really made me feel so much more confident and definitely contributed to my success during the interview! 

…You are truly an amazing person and everybody can see your passion for helping other students get into their dream firm! 

Thank you again!


Thanks for your help with the practice interview, and to let you know that I got the [redacted] training contract! I’m really, really pleased (and relieved!), after so many rejections and years of applying it feels great and I’m so happy I pushed through and persevered. Honestly, I couldn’t care less about rejections now! 



I have recently received a training contract offer from [redacted] and will be accepting the offer. 

…TCLA has undoubtedly been instrumental in allowing me to unlock my true potential and iron out deficiencies in my all-round approach to the training contract process that had been holding me back for years. 

I could not be happier with the service I have received and it is the best money I have ever spent. Thank you for your relentless efforts to continuously provide such a first-class service that really does have the capability to change lives.


I got a vacation scheme offer from [redacted]!!! Honestly I cannot thank you enough for all the help you and the TCLA team have given me. The confidence I got from the practice interview really helped with my actual interviews and the areas that I improved from your feedback were ones that the interviewer seemed really impressed with. TCLA has helped a ridiculous amount with my commercial awareness. I never felt confident answering commercial awareness questions until I found your page and it is the reason I failed at so many interviews in the past. As you know I literally gave up on the hope of getting any offers this year. I genuinely could not have done this without your help and cannot express how grateful I am to you.

Keep doing what you are doing! 


You probably don’t remember but in March this year we had a mock interview for my vacation scheme interview with [redacted]. Fast forward to last week (and I cannot believe I am typing this), I received a training contract offer!!! As an international student from a non-RG university, this seemed like a very unrealistic dream a couple of years ago. 

I wanted to thank you and say how grateful I am for all of the help I have received from the TCLA community. I would not have been here if it wasn’t for all the advice, guides and seminars you have put together. Not to mention the helpful threads on the forum. You have truly changed my life! 


I am absolutely buzzing to let you know I’ve been offered a training contract offer with [redacted] (and an assessment centre still pending with [redacted] in February)!

Thank you for believing in me! 

I cannot wait to see where TCLA will go in the coming years and I hope to contribute as much as possible to the platform…


I cannot believe I get to write this but I got a training contract at [redacted]. I really couldn’t have done any of this without you and the TCLA community. You really helped me identify where I needed to focus on and how to approach all the different stages with confidence. On several occasions, you went above and beyond a subscription service and I am SO thankful for that and all the time you have dedicated to helping me. I literally went from nothing to 4 vacation scheme offers, then to a training contract and having to turn down interviews. That is literally insane! I just feel really grateful to you and the TCLA community. 

The zoom session has thankfully restored my confidence in my ability to perform in case study exercises! I usually dread case studies exercises during assessment centres, but the session has showed me that you will go far from articulating your thought processes clearly. Thank you very much! Would highly recommend this to anyone with upcoming AC’s!

How Mock Interviews work

Our Mock Interviews take place over Zoom and are run by TCLA instructors with a track record of success from interviews at the world’s most demanding commercial law firm.

They will tailor your Mock Interview to the firm you are applying to and the specific interview you can expect to have.

You will select the type of interview you would like to have, including a case study interview, where your case study materials have been designed to prepare you for a real case study. You can also book a standard motivational interview, a commercial interview, a telephone interview, and a video interview.

Our Mock Interviews are designed to be challenging. We may pick up on the points you mention, highlight any discrepancies in your application and press you on commercial issues. Our approach will help you to answer challenging questions so you’re well-prepared during the real thing. However if you’re new to the process, be assured that we will listen, encourage and support you, and tailor the difficulty to your experience and current capabilities.

You will receive direct feedback on your performance throughout the interview. At the end, we will also provide you with a summary and clear next steps for you to work on. If appropriate, we will help you to reformulate your answers to make them even stronger.

Book Now

Choose your mock interviewer and you can select your preferred slot 🙌🏽

Go Premium for 50% off

Gold members are entitled to up to 50% off a mock interview. Simply book using the link in the members area!

Meet the Mock Interviewers

Lawrence Kang, Emma Dimitrov, Gemma Wright, Vera Mekhonoshina & Shahana Yusuf!

⭐️ Lawrence is a future trainee solicitor at White & Case. He secured three vacation schemes at US, Silver Circle, and boutique sports law firms. Lawrence especially enjoys preparing candidates for video and competency-based interviews.

⭐️  Emma is a future trainee solicitor at Clifford Chance. She secured four assessment centres at US, magic circle, and silver circle firms, and two training contract offers.

⭐️ Vera is a future trainee at Herbert Smith Freehills. She has secured three vacation scheme and training contract offers from Magic Circle, Silver Circle and US firms. Vera brings out the best in candidates by focusing on the depth and clarity of answers, enthusiasm and confidence.

⭐️ Shahana gained her BSc in Economics at University College London (UCL) and enjoys applying her financial knowledge and experience to the world of corporate law. Shahana has conducted 50+ mock interviews whilst at TCLA, with her candidates going onto receive offers and further invitations from firms including HSF, DLA Piper, Jones Day and more!


How do I book my Mock Interview?

Please follow the instructions on the booking form on this page, next to the “Book a Mock Interview” section. Once you select the type of interview you would like, you will be able to see the availability of our mock interviewers and upload additional information. Kindly note that members must book through the website rather than via email, even if it is a repeat appointment. This ensures we can record and manage the mock interview service.

Who will conduct my Mock Interview?

TCLA’s Mock Interview service is run by Aks, Shahana and Vera.

What kind of feedback will I receive?

You will receive direct feedback on your performance throughout the interview, including your ability to justify your motivations, differentiate yourself as a candidate, and present yourself. At the end, we will also provide you with a summary and clear next steps for you to work on.

I cannot find my Zoom link?

TCLA’s Mock Interview Service takes place via Zoom. You will receive your Zoom link in your confirmation email after booking. Please check your spam folder if you cannot find this and email [email protected] if you run into any issues.

How much does a Mock Interview cost?

Mock Interviews are £70 to non-members, and £35 to TCLA Premium Gold members (50% off).

Can I reschedule my Mock Interview?

You can reschedule your Mock Interview through the confirmation email you receive if there is more than 48 hours notice before your session is due to begin. If we do not have 48 hours notice, you will not be able to reschedule the Mock Interview and must pay the full price if you are unable to attend.

What is your cancellation policy?

You can cancel or request an amendment to your booking up to 12 hours beforehand and we will issue a full refund. However, because of the commitment we require from our TCLA Mock Interviewers and the related cost, if you wish to cancel within 12 hours, or you do not attend for any reason, you will not be eligible for a refund.

I have booked a case study or article interview. When should I expect to receive the documents?

Your case study or article will be emailed to you 30 minutes before your scheduled mock interview. Please keep an eye on your spam folder. If you have not received it 30 minutes before your mock interview, please contact your interviewer.

I have a question! Who do I contact?

If you have any questions about the mock interview service, please contact [email protected]. If you have booked a mock interview already, please email the mock interviewer you have booked with.

How do I submit information about my mock interview?

We will also ask you for information about your needs and give you the chance to upload any relevant documentation.

After you have completed your booking, we will send you a confirmation email containing a Zoom link.

I need to book a mock interview but no slots are showing up when I need it.

This usually means we have reached maximum capacity, but please drop us an email to [email protected] and we will do our best to fit you in 🙂

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  1. LA

    Rating :

    Feedback : Worth every cent.

    I was always lost in terms of not knowing where I was going wrong with these applications. Through her line-by-line feedback, Gemma gave me tips and pointers and asked critical questions that I will continue to use in every future application. I couldn’t recommend this service enough.

    (0) (0)
  2. A

    Rating :

    Feedback : Outstanding quality and service

    Jaysen’s feedback was helpful, actionable, and perfectly tailored to my needs: many thanks!

    (0) (0)
  3. K

    Rating :

    Feedback : Very helpful

    Vera’s reviews are always excellent and helpful. I most appreciate that she answers questions on the review and ALWAYS gives directly useful advice.

    (0) (0)
  4. M

    Rating :

    Feedback : TCLA Review Services Are A Game Changer!

    I recently used TCLA’s review services for the work experience section of my application, and it made a world of difference. Although I had previously attended a session with Jaysen on how to structure this section and had a solid understanding in theory, the review process helped me identify areas that still needed improvement.

    The feedback was incredibly valuable in showing me where I could be more specific or provide clarity, especially for someone unfamiliar with my area of work. These were things I hadn’t noticed myself but were critical to ensuring my application was clear and impactful. Thanks to the detailed, tailored suggestions, this part of my application has become much stronger.

    I would highly recommend TCLA’s services to anyone serious about securing a training contract!

    (0) (0)
  5. A

    Rating :

    Feedback : Very helpful

    Was able to receive personalized and detailed feedback that really helped me in understanding how to better write applications

    (0) (0)