My suggestion would be to look at Trowers & Hamlins website and pick out one area that you are interested in.
To give you an example, suppose you are interested in energy. Look at what the firm is doing. Here is what it says on its website.
We’ve made it our mission to help clients fit in with new regulation, changing markets and rising targets while still delivering quality services and products and remaining profitable. Our knowledge of how the energy industry works and how deals are constructed helps to keep clients secure over horizons of several decades. Connected to specialists across our firm and globally, we are fluent in the energy sector from every angle and plugged into key systems, governments and authorities world-wide.
This gives you an idea of what the firm can do. Then, do a quick google search on Google news and search for renewables energy.
I found
this article which reports that the UK is likely to miss 2020 renewable energy target because the amount of energy generated from renewable sources did not increase fast enough. The 2020 target is for renewables energy to make up 20% of all energy consumption. In 2018, renewables make up 11%.
Given the UK government commitment to offshore wind farms, this could signal that the government would prioritise investing in this area. Recently, the government launched Offshore Wind Growth Partnership (OWGP), a £100m fund to invest in the UK's offshore wind sector.
Looking at their news section, I found that Trowers & Hamlins has advised a consortium of commercial lenders to the Mayor of London's energy efficiency fund. This gives me an idea that the firm has experience in advising lenders to a fund.
We can use this to relate how the news article relate to the firm.
Given the UK government commitment towards renewable energy and the potential for the UK to miss the 2020 target, this is an opportunity for the firm to work with OWGP to help them invest into companies that could bring the UK in line with the target of 20% renewables. The firm could leverage its experience advising a consortium of lenders to the Mayor of London's energy efficiency fund and its experience advising energy companies.
This is just an idea. Generally speaking, think of the news article as either an opportunity or threat to the business. Then suggest what the firm can do to address them.
Let me know what you think and good luck!
Best wishes,