The Importance of Personal Branding in the Law Firm Application Process

Amma Usman

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Sep 7, 2024
Hello everyone! In this thread, I’ll be diving into why personal branding is a crucial part of the law firm application process.

Personal branding is so important—it is, quite frankly, the cornerstone of a good law firm cycle. Why? Well, if you don’t sell your experiences, if you don’t leverage your background to showcase what you can bring to the table, then ultimately no one will know what you are truly capable of. It’s not enough to just have a strong CV or be knowledgeable about commercial news; you need to be able to communicate your strengths and position yourself as the ideal candidate for the firm’s unique needs.

But how do you go about creating a strong personal brand? The key, in my view, is confidence. And let’s be honest—building confidence is no easy task. It’s not like those technical skills where you can read a guide, pick up a few pointers, and master it in a week. Confidence is a soft skill, one that develops over time through consistent self-reflection and practice. It’s the ability to articulate your experiences in a way that makes an impression and sticks. And if you’re able to master that, then you’re already halfway there!

Understanding the Value of Your Own Story

Often, I speak to candidates applying to law firms, and I hear a lot of industry noise, making it appear as though one must have years of experience interning at banks or other global law firms to stand a chance at securing a training contract. The truth is, every experience is valuable. I’m sure you’ve heard this from many people, attended countless webinars, or read articles reiterating this point. It’s likely something that’s brushed past your ear because you feel it’s not entirely accurate. But the reality is that law firms appreciate diversity of thought as much as any other business enterprise!

There will be those of you who come from non-law backgrounds, international backgrounds, and many other paths that may make you feel disconnected from the traditional process. It’s overwhelming. It almost feels like there’s so much to learn and so little time to figure it all out. I certainly felt that way. But I can assure you, realizing your true potential will help bring you out of that cocoon. Sure, legal experience is a plus—it can demonstrate that you have a strong understanding of the day-to-day work. But let’s take a moment to look at the kind of clients law firms work with.

Looking Beyond the Legal Domain

Who are their clients? They work with businesses, right? Perfect. Let’s take this further. To provide astute legal services to a business, a law firm needs to understand that business inside and out. They need to learn the ropes about how the sector operates, the challenges and opportunities facing that sector currently, and those that may arise in the future. This aspect has absolutely nothing to do with the law itself. In addition to being legal advisors, law firms are business advisors. So, have you had any experience with a business so far? Or any other enterprise?

Even if you haven’t worked in a traditional legal setting, there are countless ways to showcase transferable skills that you’ve picked up. Maybe you managed a family business over the summer, organised events for your university’s society, or led a charity initiative. In so many ways, you would be able to highlight these experiences and showcase how you’ve diversified your portfolio—how you’ve diversified your thought process. Your ability to translate these experiences, no matter how seemingly unrelated, can be done effectively through...personal branding.

And what does personal branding require? A deep awareness of what you bring to the table and how to connect those skills with the value you can add to the firm. It’s understanding how your non-legal experiences have equipped you to excel as a business-minded lawyer. And believe me, it’s not something you should gloss over.

My Journey: A Short Snippet

I remember starting my own charity foundation and managing a social media business a few years back. I stepped into my first-year scheme cycle almost completely lost on what I could bring to these global law firms. I forgot that law firms were, at their core, a business. I overlooked the fact that there was so much I could leverage from my business interactions and connect it to a passion for a legal career. It never crossed my mind that these interactions were what initially drew me to the commercial aspect of law in the first place!

It was through my charity and social media work that I realised I enjoyed weighing challenges and providing optimal solutions to business problems. I enjoyed thinking strategically, being analytical, and bringing people together to achieve a common goal. I had valuable insights to offer. But none of that would have mattered if I couldn’t articulate these strengths effectively in my applications.

How to Build Your Personal Brand

So, where does that leave you? Start by reflecting on your journey so far. Ask yourself:

1. What experiences have shaped your professional journey?

2. What have you learned from these experiences that sets you apart?

3. How can you communicate these lessons in a way that aligns with the firm’s needs and values?

When crafting your applications, bring these points to the forefront. Make it clear that you have a diverse skill set and a unique perspective that can contribute to the firm’s success. Whether it’s through your CV, your cover letter, or during interviews, the goal is to position yourself as a candidate who not only understands the law but can also think commercially and adapt to different business contexts.

Final Thoughts

All of you would have had some interaction with a business within the span of your lives, in whatever capacity. Businesses surround us—they are one of the three main economic agents. The extent to which you can truly leverage that experience is what will distinguish a good applicant who understands the work and the clients from one who does not. And this all ties back to personal branding, which will help you realise and communicate your unique value.

I hope this helps, and best of luck with this cycle! And remember: Personal branding is not about fitting into the mould—it’s about creating your own and showing firms why that makes you an asset.
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