Some advice for an international student in the UK


New Member
Jun 10, 2024
Hi everyone, I'd just like some advice and an international perspective on how to move forward with my law career.

I am about to get my BA LLB degree from a top 6 law school in India with First Class Honors. I am also an upcoming Masters student at QMUL to pursue my interests in International Dispute Resolution. I am pursuing this LLM mostly due to my interests and I also partially had hopes for working in the UK.

Please do not judge me when I say that I had a very rude awakening a few days ago when I realized that firms in the UK need you to apply 2 YEARS in advance for training contracts and the 2026 cycle is nearing its end. Most applications have closed for 2026 save a very few and I read several stories about how competitive TCs can get and with my 0 prep I don't stand a chance for 2026. It isn’t this way in India and I did not foresee this at all. I just wanted to somehow get qualified in the UK, with my SQE costs covered as I cannot ask my parents to bear more costs for my education, and perhaps return to the UAE, where I hold a residence visa with my family. I would have loved to return to the UAE right after my LLM however nobody in the UAE really wants to hire a law grad with no qualifications. They prefer lawyers with a few years of PQE under their belt (and I sadly did not take Arabic seriously enough in school, I can read and write but lack basic conversational skills).

Now I feel very lost and not to mention extremely stressed about my future. I have done about 4-5 online internships with Indian firms during COVID and 3 in-office construction disputes internships with UK-based companies in the UAE, including at Dentons (not under Vacation Schemes), and yet I was stupid enough not to look into how training contracts work. I’ll complete my LLM in June 2025 and I have no idea what to do with regard to my job prospects. I would like to qualify in the UK as that leads to better employment chances anywhere in but I don’t know what I’ll do till 2027. That is assuming I get a TC in my first round of applications which I’ve heard is difficult. The TC process is just crazy with several rounds of interviews and I have just started to familiarize myself with them. Not to mention, many of them require me to come down to the UK for Assessment (assuming i even get there lol); however, that will not be possible until I join QMUL in September. I don't know if I should put an effort into Vacation Schemes because I would have to go for a Graduate UK visa at my own expense, not knowing whether it's going to pay off. I would love to work in-house too but I have been told they prefer lawyers with Big Law experience. I know beggars can’t be choosers, but I did not think I would have to consider being a paralegal after having done an LLB and LLM.

Another option I was thinking of is to return to India after my LLM, get qualified there and work for at least 2 years to exempt myself from SQE 2 and try for UK/UAE firms while I work. I don't know how successful I will be with this, and it will kinda mean that my LLM money was partially wasted and my parents will be disappointed because they want me to work "abroad" and I would too, but I would like to know from some experienced professionals if this would be a better option.

To anyone that can help me get some clarity of mind please do. I feel like I am at a dead end for some reason. I wish to start working immediately and I would love to in the UK. Please suggest practical routes I can take. I will try for TCs this year although it’s very overwhelming and I feel aimless given the distant joining dates and my prep. If you made it till here thank you! I would also love to get in touch with anyone who's in a similar position as me.

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