hey! did you manage to attempt the assessment? if so, can you share your insights as to how it went?
thank you!
It's quite tricky, I definitely did not adequately prepare.
Video interview:
5 questions. Not sure if you'll get the same, but it's a commercial awareness question; why Simmons; and what you like and dislike about commercial law
SJT: Pretty standard. I say look at their website and what values and qualities they look for. I failed to do this, and it definitely cost me
There's also these questions that give you charts and other pieces of information.
Those that include charts and numbers require attention to detail and a calculator. Not sure if there's similar practice tests online, other than Simmon's short one. I found them quite hard.
Those without charts and numbers give you verbal information, and ask a question based on it. This is easier than Those with numbers, just read carefully.
Hope this helps