BCLP Open Day Application Confusion


New Member
Jan 29, 2021
Hi guys I'm a first year non-law student and I was wondering about a question I've come across in an open day application for BCLP. I really don't know much about law which is why I want to attend these open days but some of the questions are confusing.

The question is
"Why Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner?
What do you find attractive about Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner’s sectors/ departments and which area(s) are you interested in having exposure to in your Training Contract and why?" (500 words max)

I asked my friend who studies law for his opinions and he said he doesn't know how I could write about that for 500 words. Does this question seem like a mistake? If not, as someone who knows nothing about law, how should I go about answering it?

Jessica Booker

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Aug 1, 2019
No - it’s not a mistake - it’s a standard question for the firm that they use recruitment processes for other programmes.

I would have a look at the firms sectors and practice areas and just have a think about what topics you think you might be interested in.

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