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  1. tianna09

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2024-25

    anyone waiting to hear back from weightmans still post app? i got an email from them a few days ago saying that theyre still going through applications and the latest id hear back is late april, but im seeing people do sjts and ive not been sent one so should i just assume pfo or keep hanging...
  2. tianna09

    TCLA Direct Training Contract Applications Discussion Thread 2024-5

    when did you apply? i got an email from them this morning but just stating that they’re going through applications and they’ll get the outcome latest end of april.

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The Corporate Law Academy (TCLA) was founded in 2018 because we wanted to improve the legal journey. We wanted more transparency and better training. We wanted to form a community of aspiring lawyers who care about becoming the best version of themselves.


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