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  1. S

    SQE advice post graduation?

    Hello, I have a query regarding the routes to SQE qualification and what is advisable to do in terms of the course itself. I am a recent graduate of the University of Birmingham and intend to qualify through the SQE route. I was unfortunately unsuccessful in securing a training contract during...
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    Kennedys TC 2025 & SQE

    I sent an email at the end of last week and they responded saying they're 'hoping to get back to all applicants by the end of this week.' That would mean by tomorrow but I'm not sure if it's going to take even longer than that.
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    Kennedys TC 2025 & SQE

    Thankyou that's really helpful. Was the call giving you a date to book in for the partner interview or just to tell you that you'd got it out of interest?
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    Kennedys TC 2025 & SQE

    Congratulations! I’ve also applied for that role and didn’t hear back on Friday so I’m trying not to worry now, may I ask what day you had your AC? Thankyou in advance.
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    Kennedys TC 2025 & SQE

    I'm not sure, it obviously depends on whether you're applying for the SQE or standard TC. I can assume it'll be a few weeks at least as they still have other applicants to get through. If you don't mind me asking, how did you find the AC? I hope it went well for you.
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    Kennedys TC 2025 & SQE

    I've just heard about Serious and Catastrophic Injury SQE in London! Has anyone got any info or idea on what the assessment centre will include? I've never done one before so any advice would be amazing. Good luck to anyone still waiting to hear back.

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