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  1. Nicole

    Free TCLA Premium Competition!

    Free TCLA Premium Competition Hi! To celebrate passing 650 forum members and the launch of TCLA Premium, we are giving away five one-month subscriptions to TCLA Premium. What do I have to do to win? Please answer the following question: "What is your best piece of advice for writing a...
  2. Nicole

    We are looking for members to join our forum team!

    Hey guys, When we started our forum, we had no idea that we'd grow such a friendly and helpful community. It has been so nice to see students helping each other out and watch members share their training contract success stories. We now can't imagine the site without you guys! Over the next...
  3. Nicole

    Training Contracts: Lessons from a Future Trainee

    Hi everyone! Demi Joannides, a future trainee at Herbert Smith Freehills, has kindly offered to share her application advice to students at TCLA. Enjoy :) The Online Application Choose quality over quantity As with many firms, the online application is in some ways both the most important...
  4. Nicole

    Law firm financial results 2017/18

    Hi everyone, The law firm financial results for 2017/18 have been released and I wanted to share the results for a selection of law firms. It's quite a helpful way of comparing law firms by size and profit, and also to take a look at which firms are growing the most (even though it does...
  5. Nicole

    Training Contract Applications: The 2018 Guide

    Hi guys! Thought I'd share - Part 1 of our huge 2018 Training Contract Applications Guide is now out. You can find it here: https://www.thecorporatelawacademy.com/training-contract-applications-the-2018-guide/. Happy Thursday :)
  6. Nicole

    Ashurst Vacation Scheme 2016

    Ashurst Vacation Scheme 2016 How did you find the Ashurst vacation scheme? This vacation scheme was only a week long so it absolutely flew by! You only sit in one department. I actually think this is a good thing as vacation schemes can be really exhausting but it's easier to really throw...
  7. Nicole

    (HFW) Holman Fenwick Willan Vacation Scheme 2017

    (HFW) Holman Fenwick Willan Vacation Scheme 2017 How did you find the Holman Fenwick Willan vacation scheme? The main thing I really enjoyed about this vacation scheme was that I found both weeks that my supervisors made an effort to find interesting work for me to do, and the work they gave...
  8. Nicole

    Shearman & Sterling Interview

    When was your Shearman & Sterling interview? Late 2017 What was it for? Winter Vacation Scheme Please describe the interview process at Shearman & Sterling. Very short notice, contacted 4 days before interview way past deadline despite having applied at start of window. 30 min interview...
  9. Nicole

    White & Case interview

    White & Case vacation scheme interview: The focus is on your application form, then why W&C, why law, some normal competency questions a number of questions about what the trainee role involves trying to assess your response to typical situations trainees might find themselves in Thanks...
  10. Nicole

    General interview advice

    From @Amy Hillier, future trainee at CC. Thanks again Amy! General points to mention from my experience would be as follows: In terms of preparation: - I genuinely believe you can never over-prepare for an assessment centre. This may not be the case for everyone, but for my second AC (which...
  11. Nicole

    Sidley Austin Interview

    Sidley Austin interview (vacation scheme) Sidley Austin was pretty much a conversation for half an hour with two senior partners. Their questions were quite generic and were based firmly around my understanding of what type of work I would be doing at the firm. They asked me about a recent deal...
  12. Nicole

    Squire Patton Boggs Interview

    Squire Patton Boggs vacation scheme interviewee: Squire Patton Boggs is big on personality, be sure you interact with the partners/trainees and make a good impression. It is really important to them that you can get on with them and those around you. - Know your CV inside out. The interview...
  13. Nicole

    Osborne Clarke Interview

    Osborne Clarke vacation scheme interviewee: Quite short. Focussed on the firm and my motivations for joining the firm. One situational question. The rest of the time was dedicated to any questions I had so make sure to prep your own questions.
  14. Nicole

    Gowling WLG Interview

    Vac scheme interviewee at Gowling: Flowing conversation and dependent on the partner. He was interested to know my thoughts on how the firm could improve and recent commercial events.
  15. Nicole

    Michelmores Interview

    Michelmores vac scheme interviewee: Michelmores - competency-based, very structured so, unfortunately, not much opportunity to have a flowing conversation. Would recommend a thorough preparation of answers against the common competencies for law.
  16. Nicole

    Linklaters Interview

    When was your Linklaters interview? February 2018 What was it for? Vacation Scheme Please describe the interview process at Linklaters. My day started with the ‘E-Tray Exercise’. We essentially had to read a book of documents regarding a proposed M&A and, after 20 minutes, had half an...
  17. Nicole

    Taylor Wessing Interview

    (1) Taylor Wessing Interview Experience Vacation scheme interviewee: 1) a group case study exercise + presentation (1h) - It included the standard (introduction of a crisis) midway into the discussion. 2) Following the case study, there was a commercial awareness partner interview (managing...
  18. Nicole

    Slaughter and May Interview

    Future trainee at Slaughter and May, anonymous Of course! I’ve jotted down a couple of points below which will hopefully be of some use (they’re probably slightly generic, but perhaps useful). 1. The written exercise is very time restricting. I was provided with information and had to write a...
  19. Nicole

    Skadden Interview

    From a Skadden future trainee. The AC is structured into 3 parts: an interview with a partner + associate, a group exercise, and a panel discussion (consisting of graduate recruitment, a trainee, an associate and a partner). Interview Nothing out of the ordinary here. The partner and...
  20. Nicole

    Clyde & Co Interview

    From future trainee, Jazil Eddaikra Please see below for my tips regarding Clyde & Co Vacation Scheme interview/assessment centre. Preliminary Point Before listing the tips, I just want to emphasise that the process/interview structure may well have changed since I completed my AC (Feb 2017)...

About Us

The Corporate Law Academy (TCLA) was founded in 2018 because we wanted to improve the legal journey. We wanted more transparency and better training. We wanted to form a community of aspiring lawyers who care about becoming the best version of themselves.


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