Thank you so much! That is really helpful – I really appreciate it! 😊
Do you also know if there are any formatting requirements for the personal statement?
Hi everyone, I’m working on my CV for the Freshfields TC application and was wondering if anyone knows whether they’d accept a 2-page CV? I have two versions – one that’s 1 page and another that’s 2 pages, which is slightly more detailed as I’ve been out of university for a few years and have...
I see a couple of people have received Ashurst AC invites. I haven't heard anything from them since doing the assessment over a month ago. I know they said they will get back to us by February 14 - but should I assume PFO?
For the 'Work History' section of the Paul Weiss application, does anyone know if we can respond in bullet-point format (like on a CV), or do they expect full written descriptions? In general, what do law firms usually prefer? Is there a way to know the preferences of each firm?
I had an interview with Withers exactly 2 weeks ago today for the spring vac scheme. At the end of the interview, they said they aim to respond to all applicants within 2 weeks. As I haven't heard back yet, should I assume it's a rejection?
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