Did anyone include their forage course or open day on the Pinsent Masons application - I was unsure Becasue it doesn’t have an extra curricular question
Did anyone include the forage course or an open day on their work experience section for Pinsent Masons? I was unsure because there is no extra-curricular interests questions
Does anyone know what the Pinsent Masons Psychometric tests are like - are they Watson Glassier and verbal reasoning tests?
Is it just those two?
Any help appreciated?
Could anyone tell me what the questions are to this years Pinsent Masons Application - it won’t allow me to move to the application question section until I have completed the work experience section. Thanks 😊
When applications ask for further information about your undergraduate degree what should you include?
I have been including activities and societies, dissertation topic and grade and overall degree grade.
Should I be including anything else?
If a firm asks do you have any link to the firm - can you include networking connections you have made or is this strictly family ties or if you already work there?
Thank you
In terms of structure -
I attended a TCLA workshop and they mentioned that while there is not set structure you have to follow, it is good to start with the microanalysis then move on the macro-analysis
Micro being: analysing what actually happened in the deal
Macro: look at the wider...
When a firm asks Do you have any links to the firm
If you have networked with one of their trainees/associates and have had a discussion about the firm over networking/LinkedIn can you inlcude it here. Or is this kind of connection not applicable?
Thanks so much :)
Hi @Jaysen I will spend 30 minutes from 9:00-9:30am each morning - (as I did this morning) reading the FT and updating my Commercial Awareness Tracker. In addition to this I will listen to my news podcasts (the Times, FT news briefing and Bloomberg day break) throughout the day when I’m...
I had the same question as Mike.
I have also been using Idin Sabpour’s OWL system but trying to integrate the STAR method by adding a specific action and result segment.
But is it better to focus on one STAR or OWL example (so one task, action, and result) to produce a clearer and...
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