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  1. JohanGRK

    Should we have a debate thread?

    I think that it's a sign from the gods that my lunch break coincided with Jess making this thread. Yes please ^^ Edit: A debate forum might be more practical
  2. JohanGRK

    LPC or SQE?

    Interesting! Never thought about any of these possibilities
  3. JohanGRK

    LPC or SQE?

    Yeah, I was trying to refer to it as a 'graduate programme' because I'm not sure as to what the official title will be. The reason why I replied to the user is because I think that it's odd to suggest that firms that have been running training programmes for ages will stop doing those in favour...
  4. JohanGRK

    LPC or SQE?

    Genuine question here: If the number of TCs is going down, wouldn't this be because the number of NQ spots is also going down? Or do you think that firms will be more open to recruiting candidates who haven't done their two-year graduate programme? Also, which firms do you think this...
  5. JohanGRK

    2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

    A comment that starts off with "Ok, let's shut you down..." isn't rude or at the very least abrasive? And the personal attacks about how the user's perspective is "limited" or "biased" or that maybe they're not that good at assessing quality? Hm. I'm not actually calling for a change in...
  6. JohanGRK

    2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

    I wouldn't say that Quora is for the youths! I was referring to the forum users, not the moderation. Specifically, I was thinking of the exchange between whisperingrock and LegalNim (link...
  7. JohanGRK

    2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

    Be Nice Be Respectful I used Quora before it was cool
  8. JohanGRK

    2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

    I have no idea what this means but I'm sure that the sentiment behind it is a friendly one!
  9. JohanGRK

    2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

    TCLA confuses me. On the one hand you get BNBR-style posts like this. On the other hand you get very aggressive/chippy posters that are all to happy to hide behind their anonymity and lash out. But when someone replies in kind it's back to BNBR. I think that more consistency either way would be...
  10. JohanGRK

    2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

    The general point that you've been making for years is that university 'prestige'/'brand'/'reputation' isn't something that grad rec are too fussed about. That's an empirical claim. You don't need to defend this decision normatively by saying that University X isn't tougher than University Y -...
  11. JohanGRK

    2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

    This doesn't mean anything because it doesn't control for the input (i.e. average hours studied per week, difficulty of assessments, etc). The fact that input is ultimately bound to be qualitative doesn't mean that we shouldn't try to acknowledge difficulties in rigour etc. The argument being...
  12. JohanGRK

    2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

    It's fairly easy to prove that Oxford only gives out a handful of grades over 70 to a given cohort whereas e.g. Liverpool gives out more 75s+. It's just how marking systems work! For example, Bristol will only give students a 68 (as a high 2.1) or a 72 (as a low First), but, as far as I know...
  13. JohanGRK

    General Discussion Thread 2020-21

    I think it's a fairly reliable way of figuring the general profile of a firm's candidates out, particularly given that uptake is so high. I don't have any numbers on this but I'd estimate that it's a good 2/3rds and above. It seems to be a norm to at least have a presence on that site, even if...
  14. JohanGRK

    General Discussion Thread 2020-21

    Okay, thank you. I thought I might as well ask. Tbf my Linkedin is mostly full of the quiet Oxbridgey/Durham types that come from middle class backgrounds, get high 2.1s or Firsts, and end up at the sort of firm you recruited for. But these people aren't the ones filling up my feed haha
  15. JohanGRK

    General Discussion Thread 2020-21

    Might be the firm/intake or pure chance. I did just realise that we have a St.A's History grad but I don't think that that counts? What were the actual numbers though? I see a lot of SOAS/Surrey/whatever success stories out there on Linkedin but I can't help but think that these blow things...
  16. JohanGRK

    General Discussion Thread 2020-21

    I'm not getting into a 'my 2.2 is better than your 2.1' kind of discussion. It's cringey when people try to start one. Re your post: Moderation =/= the same as what you were implying Every university does moderation External moderators are involved in moderation, and these may teach/research at...
  17. JohanGRK

    General Discussion Thread 2020-21

    Getting screwed over despite performing better than last year's cohort is one of the reasons why that system is crap. Thankfully, no 'elite' UK uni uses it.
  18. JohanGRK

    General Discussion Thread 2020-21

    This isn't true; they don't employ bell curve marking in the way it's used e.g. in the US. Class lists are something different. All unis have a list of where you place in your cohort, Cambridge is the only one that makes it public-ish. I am enjoying the back and forth on this thread and am also...
  19. JohanGRK

    General Discussion Thread 2020-21

    If I were to put my academic hat on, I'd say that there are two discourses here. One is about those who are undeserving of marginalisation/exclusion (BAME, people with disabilities, poorer backgrounds, etc). The other is about those who are deserving of it or who are expected to sack up and take...
  20. JohanGRK

    General Discussion Thread 2020-21

    What was it for the MC firms you were recruiting for? I don't think that there are any non-RG graduates in my intake of about 40 (also MC firm). This seems to be pretty common from what my friends are seeing/telling me. Every intake does have people from leading overseas unis but these unis...

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