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Recent content by jamescockayne

  1. jamescockayne

    Navigating Work Experience

    @Andrei Radu So sorry for the late response! Just logged on for the first time in a while. Without seeing it, I ended up taking your advice which has worked well! So really appreciate it, thank you kindly :)
  2. jamescockayne

    Navigating Work Experience

    Hi there, I am currently in the process of completing the work experience section for an application. I have a few key roles that I feel convey key skills and achievements. Beyond, them, I have a number of shorter work experience sections, usually relating to shadowing experience or volunteer...
  3. jamescockayne

    TCLA Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion Thread 2023-24

    Hey guys - anyone waiting to hear back from Linklaters Spring VS? Also, 2 questions; 1. How far back do you go back for your Work Experience section? I am working as a paralegal now (having finished UG in 2020 and Post Grad in 2022) and have experience dating back to my first job, which was...
  4. jamescockayne

    TCLA General Discussion Thread #2 (2021)

    Hi all - just received a bit of a curveball with a Dechert VI. Am a bit freaked to say the least. How best can I prepare? I saw another commenter mention commercial questions - what would that entail? Any insight into the sort of questions asked would be lovely!
  5. jamescockayne

    Dechert VI and AC

    Hi there - I was wondering if you completed this and had any tips/ guides to questions?
  6. jamescockayne

    2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

    Also, has anyone else not heard from Dechert? I'm assuming it might be a PFO if I haven't. I applied a week before the deadline. Saw someone else had got a VI invite yesterday though.
  7. jamescockayne

    2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

    Nice one! I'm waiting on PLS in London. Fingers crossed because I got to AC last year but couldn't attend! So hoping I'll be able to this time round!
  8. jamescockayne

    2020-21 Vacation Scheme Applications Discussion

    Was this PLS or BLS? Well done!
  9. jamescockayne

    Self-funding GDL Help!

    Thank you so much for this. I have just done some more googling and found a whole host of criticism, as you say, that I missed the first time I was doing my research. Really appreciate you putting me onto it - it's a lot of money for something that may not be up to scratch!
  10. jamescockayne

    Self-funding GDL Help!

    Thanks so much for this!
  11. jamescockayne

    Self-funding GDL Help!

    This is brilliant advice. Thanks so much for taking the time to out to write it! How are you finding the PGDL in general? I'm still weighing up that UoL vs. BPP decision and its often hard to find really big differences between the two!
  12. jamescockayne

    Self-funding GDL Help!

    @Jessica Booker I've read some of your thoughts on the SQE/GDL and have found your knowledge useful. Do you have any thoughts?
  13. jamescockayne

    Self-funding GDL Help!

    Hi folks, I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I have been applying to vac schemes this year without much luck, and still have some TC applications coming up. I'm anticipating having to self-fund my next steps, and it seems like the logical thing to do to get on with the GDL before SQE...

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